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bunkhead said:

Bullshit. Best Gundam is a three-way tie between Barbatos Lupus Rex, Wing Zero Custom, and 00 XN Raiser. Maybe four-way with either Calibarn or Scwarzette.

Woundwort disagrees
-banger psychommu head antenna option that looks like they ripped an angel figurehead straight off of a ship
-thicc thighs
-massive dong
-long range melee claw attack with huge a hitbox that instantly redlines any ACS bar
-insane number of variations
-has mobile armor equipment so large that it'd be a kit around 2 meters tall at 1/144 scale
-is named after this guy


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    Incineration said:

    That's still super wrong.

    Nope. Simply put, without the first series there would not be any franchise at all. All the subsequent tropes, even those from your adored Mercury Witch, came from the original. Each and every series is basically a reboot of the original. The first one is the legend from which every other story took an element from. First Gundam is best Gundam. Amen.


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    Kronnang_Dunn said:

    No. Simply put, without the first series there would not be any franchise at all. All the subsequent tropes, even those from your adored Mercury Witch, came from the original. Each and every series is basically a reboot of the original. The first one is the legend from which every other story took an element from. First Gundam is best Gundam. Amen.

    Just because it was first doesn't mean it was the best. Zeta was vastly superior to mobile suit Gundam in terms of animation quality and writing

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    iori98 said:

    Just because it was first doesn't mean it was the best. Zeta was vastly superior to mobile suit Gundam in terms of animation quality and writing

    And there also wouldn't be any Zeta without the first Gundam... BTW... The writing in Zeta was kind of... convoluted.

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    Armathos said:

    300 apologems for waiting an extra 2 hours and ultimately downloading 13 gigs, I'm fine with that.

    and there still some little yet noticeable graphics bugs like the oil, coins and x2 exp books being displayed on a large scale compared to the rest of the ui

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    Also dont be an hypocrite blaming KC considering Touhou was one of the first ones coming up with an all female cast of cute moe-anthropomorphic youkai girls way before KC or shipgirls were a thing.

    What does this have to do with anything? Touhou wasn't a gacha, or even a collection game. Touhou didn't start anything, and certainly isn't the first to feature an all female cast. If someone was to be blamed for the "collectible waifu" genre, it would absolutely be KC, but I wouldn't even know if they were actually the first.

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    By that definition Pokemon is also a gacha game. And getting pregnant is also a gacha game.

    I was hoping someone would bring up Pokemon! Pokemon is definitely a borderline case - I personally wouldn't call it a gacha game, but if someone else came up to me and sincerely argued that it was, I'd be willing to hear them out. The two big distinctions are that a) you don't have to spend any numerical resources in order to encounter more wild pokemon, and b) there is a non-randomized way to obtain any pokemon you want in the game, which is trading with other players.

    The first point may seem like a pointless distinction, especially when comparing to a game where the resource "spent" to roll the gacha can be obtained by grinding, because in both cases you're ultimately just spending time to do both once the smoke and mirrors are taken away. but it's all about psychology - having to numerically spend a resource in order to roll the gacha makes it feel "more valuable" in the player's mind and encourages them to roll more. The trading, however, is the bigger distinction. Every part of Pokemon's design, especially in its earlier iterations, is meant to encourage players to meet up and trade with each other, and the "gacha" that is wild pokemon encounters is no different. You're not supposed to "roll" over and over again until you get exactly what you want, you're supposed to poke around just long enough to get something valuable that you can then trade for whatever you actually wanted. Note that the strongest and most desirable pokemon in the game - legendaries - tend to be explicitly non-random in how you encounter them, which means that if there's a legendary that you don't actually want long-term, and a "regular" but rare pokemon that you do want but don't want to bother with trying to "roll" for, finding another player who will be willing to trade the rare non-legendary you want for your unwanted legendary is relatively easy. Then again, the physical goods that you get from actual gachapon machines can obviously be traded, so if tradability disqualifies something from being a gacha, then actual gachapon machines wouldn't qualify. Like I said, Pokemon is a borderline case, and there's merit to either interpretation.

    Meanwhile, I had been led to believe that ship construction is the primary means via which you're meant to get new units in Kantai Collection, and that outside of your starter ship and a select few early quest rewards like Shirayuki and Akagi, there's no surefire guaranteed way to get any ship - Myschi said that event rewards in KC aren't randomized, but I distinctly remember people making references in comics and comments to having to run events multiple times in order to get what they wanted. And I haven't seen any reference made to players being able to trade shipgirls between each other.

    As for your second point, pregnancy can't be a gacha game because it's not a game, and the process of childbearing can't reasonably be called a "gameplay loop". If you do want to apply game logic to the process though, I will say that if you could only "roll" a particular gacha once every 9 months, and then had to wait 20 years before you knew for certain what you got out of that "roll", we would be having a very different conversation. The whole point of a gachapon machine, virtual or otherwise, is that you can crank the lever over and over again until you get the exact result you want, and having kids simply... doesn't work like that.

    Also dont be an hypocrite blaming KC considering Touhou was one of the first ones coming up with an all female cast of cute moe-anthropomorphic youkai girls way before KC or shipgirls were a thing.

    The difference is that Touhou doesn't have a faceless self-insert for lonely nerds that 90% of the cast have the hots for for no discernable reason (with the other 10% being incestuous lesbians in order to facilitate "girl-on-girl is hot" fantasies). Touhou very much stands out for how little romance and "fanservice" it has - even the yuri is at least 95% invented by fanworks, with the characters in canon mostly just being huge assholes to each other. Touhou is an industry leader in female characters who don't feel like they were designed for the gratification of lonely straight dudes, and it was never the all-female cast or the moe-anthropomorphism that I was taking umbrage with, but the "gamified harem fantasy", or as BlindVigil put it, "collectable waifus", which Kantai Collection absolutely had a central role in popularizing, regardless of whether or not they were the literal first to do it. Take out the self-insert admiral and let the girls lead themselves, and Kantai Collection would be ten times better.

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    Kantai Collection lacks a lot of the features associated with modern gachas, but that's primarily a product of its age and the fact that it was made before developers learned all the tricks to most efficiently bait players into spending money - KC is the "prototype gacha" that walked so that the others could run, and its success is definitely what inspired the glut of gacha games that we see today. KC pioneered the whole idea of a gamified harem fantasy that all of these other gacha games are built around, and while a lot of more recent gacha games have gotten even worse in that regard, I still very much blame KC for starting the snowball rolling in the first place.

    Not really according to Wikipedia where it cites that they intentionally developed the game to not force players to spend money or participate in gacha lotteries. Stating this was so could instead build the brand name with a wide reach for merchandising and franchising.

    This is also backed up by the fact Puzzle & Dragons was released 1 year and 4 months before KC which already features a gacha which does use a resource best obtained through purchase and already featured various female characters of which more and more were added as time went on. For it's time PAD was very popular and as a puzzle game that casual players could get into would have definitely had major influence on later games to come in terms of both collecting characters and encouraging players to fork over money for that rare waifu.

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    The difference is that Touhou doesn't have a faceless self-insert for lonely nerds that 90% of the cast have the hots for for no discernable reason (with the other 10% being incestuous lesbians in order to facilitate "girl-on-girl is hot" fantasies). Touhou very much stands out for how little romance and "fanservice" it has - even the yuri is at least 95% invented by fanworks, with the characters in canon mostly just being huge assholes to each other. Touhou is an industry leader in female characters who don't feel like they were designed for the gratification of lonely straight dudes, and it was never the all-female cast or the moe-anthropomorphism that I was taking umbrage with, but the "gamified harem fantasy", or as BlindVigil put it, "collectable waifus", which Kantai Collection absolutely had a central role in popularizing, regardless of whether or not they were the literal first to do it.
    Take out the self-insert admiral and let the girls lead themselves, and Kantai Collection would be ten times better.

    Tbf you are ignoring the fact that Tanaka's idea of KC was focused on ww2 ship history but basically using anthropomorphization was a more creative way to give the warships a personal voice, this has been a trend from the majority of events and shipgirls, specially recent ones and the fact people call KC shipgirls tame and boring makes that pretty hilarious as well because KC's does have sex appeal so cant fit under "100% non male-gratification" team but neither for the male-gaze coomer fanservice one.
    From something like KC specially when you consider the female fanbase of KC that makes Houshou events and other KC events as well outside of comiket implies the shipgirls arent 100% design for a male gaze only crowd.

    I think is fair to say the harem aspect has been exagerated, aside of Kongou, Jingei and the shipgirls that tease like Mutsu and similar ones the rest of the cast basically behave like warships under command till remodel and leveling basically develops the character's personality.

    The inclusion of the Admiral is essential in the game as it requires a figure of authority, warships or navy personal cant lead themselves and even between shipgirls there is a chain of command with the Admiral at the top. It wouldnt really be better without the Admiral.

    Im pretty sure more than half of the shipgirls arent in love at first sight or thirsty over the Admiral's dick if it ever has one considering the Admiral is genderless. The game tries to give the feel you are actually an admiral first(even permadeath emphazis on the navy theme) instead of being an excuse for an gacha harem idol collection with navy motif like that other shipgirl game ended up becoming today.

    Im not aware if you are still play KC but thats was my experience and pretty much what i tend to heard from other who start the game in the last 4 years.

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    Meanwhile, I had been led to believe that ship construction is the primary means via which you're meant to get new units in Kantai Collection, and that outside of your starter ship and a select few early quest rewards like Shirayuki and Akagi, there's no surefire guaranteed way to get any ship - Myschi said that event rewards in KC aren't randomized, but I distinctly remember people making references in comics and comments to having to run events multiple times in order to get what they wanted. And I haven't seen any reference made to players being able to trade shipgirls between each other.

    You're confusing rewards and drops. At every node there is a random chance to obtain a drop character and who can drop varies by map and node on the map. A reward is obtained for conquering the map and is 100% guaranteed for the achievement. New characters are split between rare drops and map rewards for events.

    Quite a large number of characters are obtainable as drops. Some may be limited to drops during events, but that's still playing the game for a random reward.

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    Im not aware if you are still play KC but thats was my experience and pretty much what i tend to heard from other who start the game in the last 4 years.

    I've never played Kantai Collection at all, or any other gacha game for that matter. That's why I've been qualifying many of my statements with things like "as far as I know" or "I had been led to believe" - I'm well aware that there are gaps in my knowledge because most of what I know about KC comes secondhand from reading fan comics on Danbooru and the comments on said comics and fan art. However, I've been using Danbooru since well before Kantai Collection was even published in the first place, so I was around to watch KC's initial rise to fame and have been reading what other people - both its fans and its detractors - have been saying about it the entire time. People have been criticizing Kantai Collection's skinner box mechanics and exploitation of "collectable waifus" as a marketing stunt since day 1, and the term "gacha game" was coined by critics of Kantai Collection before there even were any other gachas to compare to (at least not any of remotely comparable popularity), so these aren't just accusations based on surface-level similarities to other games, they've been part of the dialogue surrounding Kantai Collection for over a decade.

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    Removed the character tag for now as this is OC belongs to one of n647's followers, not the artist himself (based on other posts with similar captions, the text on the image is the original request that was submitted). Unfortunately the owner's handle has not been publicized and I haven't had any luck finding the character by searching her name, so I can't make a chartag until a proper qualifier can be added.

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    Herzel said:

    God, even in danbooru i can't escape Ukrop NATO propaganda

    Oh, being unable to pretend an ostrich is such a grief.
    Truly incomparable to suffering of people, who CANNOT ESCAPE THE WAR IN REAL LIFE and who are mere trying to lift their mood a bit by anime-styled shitposts!


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