


kerosenedrinker said:

It still tickles me pink that the Ivans spent so much time hyping up this piece of shit, only for it to prove to be too expensive to replace the T-90.

A normal everyday. Quite a lot of weapon systems end up 'formally accepted' and produced in absolutely minuscule numbers.
I think it's more noticeable over here since state media tends to run its mouth about a 'cool new thing' only for the thing to fall into obscurity due to being too expensive/unreliable/overspecialized/etc.

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    Hereinafter said:

    Should the fictional artist persona be aliased to daluto_(hitomi555)? I think it's them, but I might be wrong.

    Based on the post #7426264 commentary that does seem somewhat likely actually, but even with conclusive proof I'm not a massive fan of straight up aliasing them together, especially if there's a chance more artists become involved. Tagging both arttags sounds fine though.

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