🎉 Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! 🎉



Blank_User said:

Were you trying to comment on post #7652289?

The source link includes the swimsuit art, so I think this art is a reaction to the swimsuit. Makes me curious what the dialogue in the image is. I can also say I saw a Western fan of the series acting like the swimsuit is controversial or something, the usual drama over swimsuits and skin showing.

Edit: Though I was scrolling through things a bit quickly and didn't want to linger on drama, so I wonder if there's more to it?


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    MisterJuice said:

    The source link includes the swimsuit art, so I think this art is a reaction to the swimsuit. Makes me curious what the dialogue in the image is. I can also say I saw a Western fan of the series acting like the swimsuit is controversial or something, the usual drama over swimsuits and skin showing.

    As expected from western "fans". My timeline has mostly been artists thirsting over it, and rightfully so.

    My Japanese isn't good enough for a proper translation, just good enough to know Umiri is happy about the swimsuit.

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    岩戸鈴芽 said:

    As expected from western "fans". My timeline has mostly been artists thirsting over it, and rightfully so.

    My Japanese isn't good enough for a proper translation, just good enough to know Umiri is happy about the swimsuit.

    Well good to know the reaction here with Umiri is positive at least.

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    Klaudandus said:

    something something diesel-electric subs something something winning war games against nuclear carrier group something something

    No, but for real -- it does crack me up the US lost 6 war games against sweden's diesel electric submarine

    and oh yeah, 40 years ago it happened as well when the NRP Barracuda also defeated the USS Eisenhower.

    Wait until you find out that during the interwar period, the US lost every wargame against Japan before 1935.

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    ithekro said:

    The question is what tactics was Amagi-chan using that seemed familiar?

    That's purposefully ambiguous, because there's only so much detail I can impart through a 4-koma format. The important detail here is that whatever tactics were enacted, that Musashi recognized them but can't quite place where from.

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    CplEthane said:

    This is mostly correct, except he and Amagi-chan didn't have the speed advantage. Believe it or not, the Yamato-class can outrun a Zumwalt or Arleigh Burke and that's without even cross-connecting boilers. Certainly the modern-day destroyers could easily out-maneuver Akagi-chan and company, but not outrun them.

    What quite a few people forget is that the Yamatos were,by Wikipedias' standards,Fast Battleships at a modest 27 knots.

    And of course that terminology is just as screwed up as a lot of Naval terminology is...

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    Eboreg said:

    If I were to level one criticism against this guy, it's that he let the enemy vessels get too close. He had a speed advantage over every enemy vessel with the possible exception of Spence and his radars also gave a pretty decisive detection advantage. If he had conducted a fighting retreat, he would have forced the enemy to spread out to chase him down and while Spence might have been able to catch up, Mr. Sea Sparrow and Mr. Harpoon would not have been her friend. He also wouldn't have had to deal with Akagi's aircraft and Musashi simultaneously. Akagi-chan did seriously gimp her striking range when switching to the triple-flight deck loadout so after dealing with Spence and Akagi-chan's aircraft, he could have closed in and either knocked out Akagi-chan with numerous Harpoon strikes or blasted Musashi/FdG with multiple SAM shots to the bridge while staying out of gunnery range, depending on which unlucky sod he spotted first. Instead, he ended up facing all of them at once and paid the price for it.

    No, his biggest mistake was that he got overconfident.

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    CplEthane said:

    This is mostly correct, except he and Amagi-chan didn't have the speed advantage. Believe it or not, the Yamato-class can outrun a Zumwalt or Arleigh Burke and that's without even cross-connecting boilers. Certainly the modern-day destroyers could easily out-maneuver Akagi-chan and company, but not outrun them.

    im not sure what you're talking about both the Zumwalt and the Arleigh Burke can go 30 knots while Musashi can only only go 27 im not sure where you got your information but its wrong

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    Incineration said:

    This pretty much the most generic design they could've come up with.
    Like, I didn't expect something like the GDD sensei, but generic anime highschool boy in a suit is so bad.
    The game keeps going on about them being an adult and how they have to be a role model for the students, well it's hard to take that seriously when they look like they could be a student themselves.
    At least "there is no canon sensei" still applies

    Getting pissed because they didnt follow the generic faceless gacha protagonist much huh?

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    DaddyDontHurtmeNoMore said:

    Getting pissed because they didnt follow the generic faceless gacha protagonist much huh?

    Being disappointed about not giving him a good design more like.
    Did you even read my comment? My issue was that he was too generic, why would I want them to make it even worse.

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    Incineration said:

    Being disappointed about not giving him a good design more like.

    I agree that he could stand to look a little older. Depending of how his VA plays it he can still feel adult-like.
    However, if he stands out too much he'd distract from the girls. Don't forget, we're here for the waifus.


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    m.usouka said:

    Personally, I wanted them to swap the sensei design for a new one every episode.

    Well, they have a golden opportunity: every new episode they should add more eyebags under him and let him lose his hair until he completes his evolution into doodle Sensei. Peak character development.

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    Is it just me or does he look barely older than his students? It feels like you could put Hasumi, Asuna, or Karin into teacher’s clothes and they could pass as coworkers.

    Not that it’s a bad thing, mind; being closer in age certainly makes the romantic undertones of his relationships with the girls less creepy.

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    Valiran9 said:

    Is it just me or does he look barely older than his students? It feels like you could put Hasumi, Asuna, or Karin into teacher’s clothes and they could pass as coworkers.

    Not that it’s a bad thing, mind; being closer in age certainly makes the romantic undertones of his relationships with the girls less creepy.

    Meanwhile Rio looks like his boss. (And she's already dressed the part!)

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