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matteste said:

As for me, I am just bothered by that stupid haircut. Seriously, is that the only female hairstyle that exists these days?

It's the "strong independent woman" hairstyle. If your female character doesn't have that haircut, it won't work with the social media centric fanbase.

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    Karesh said:

    "People who aren't even fans" haven't changed a thing. It's the company doing it, the same company and people that have been in charge all along. This mindset is how you get dipshits on twitter calling Gary Chalk a tourist. The Custodes references to being all male were always hand in hand with them being a mysterious organization that we knew next to nothing about, Aaron Bowden said years ago that it wasn't intended for there to be the impression of absolutes in whether Custodes were male exclusive, but that he was told not to write about female Custodes for the sole reason that they hadn't yet produced a relevant line of miniatures to sell along with characters. On that note one of the commonly cited passages about their recruitment is even followed by the in universe admission that the person writing doesn't actually know anything for real, because the Custodes do not talk to anyone about their practices. For almost the entire Imperium they are a collection of gold-clad warriors that defend the Emperor, and they know nothing more. Even those who chanced to see one would never know more than that it was a Custodes.

    This whole thing is ridiculous. Entire factions have come, gone, or changed their core characterization with less than a shit given. The culture warriors who openly admit they'll abandon Warhammer unless GW throw in the towel and follow their political allegiance to the letter aren't the people who like female custodes being introduced, they're the ones complaining now, quitting now, and wishing for the downfall of something they claim to love now, because it introduced an infinitesimal detail to a handful of characters in a vast universe. And they join in with a pile of genuine non-fans who are making YouTube video after YouTube video to grift off of it.

    Frankly if those people want to portray it as an "outsiders come in" problem, which is patently ridiculous given that many on the opposite side have been around for decades, buying figures, books, playing games either in person or digital, being fans of the work rather than toxic on twitter for clout; then even in their own version of events THEY have fucked themselves over by spending years screaming that they'll gatekeep and slam the doors shut on anyone else, which makes them utter dead weight to a corporate entity. Corporations love growth. They love fans that make other people want to be fans. They are categorically going to tune out a bunch of fans that scream to the heavens that they want the opposite.

    problem is
    this entire sutuation is bcs GW wants cheap investment money and dont care about thier fans, lore and all that stuff. Classic corpo thing.

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    wisdomelf said:

    problem is
    this entire sutuation is bcs GW wants cheap investment money and dont care about thier fans, lore and all that stuff. Classic corpo thing.

    Yes, they want money. That has been the case for decades. They care about their fans as the same as always. The problem, such that it is, is that a group of fans think they are the ONLY fans when they're not. Hell, forget it being that they're the only ones. A huge chunk of the people trying to turn back the clock have no interest in Warhammer at all! The amount of times this week alone I have seen A call B tourist because they aren't mad about female Custodes, only for A to eventually admit they aren't even in the hobby at all, is crazy. Or to respond to somebody posting their models accusing them of being the problem with Warhammer just because they're a woman or gay or trans or whatever the hell else. There's so much that could be complained about with how the franchise is being run, especially in regards to community outreach and how they've treated people who have created things that do more to draw in new fans than ever before, that it blows my mind people are snapping over this. Which does not actually matter.

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    The whole stuff is super hilarious to me because the lore changes ALL the time with constant rewrites, retcons and whatnot since the second edition decades ago.
    Remember Squats who is rewritten to become the Leagues of Votann? or Leman Russ being an ordinary Space Marine in the 1st edition?.

    Also calling GW greedy solely because female Custodes is just peak tourist behavior to me.
    Like holy shite people who actually in the hobby even a little knew this already since a long time ago.
    I weep for AdMech players every day.

    Admittedly the way GW handled it could be better, but this is a company who let Matt Ward under their employment, so competence aren't their strong suit.
    Ultimately IT DOES NOT MATTER like the person above me said.
    FemCustodes would probably be retconned in 10 years or so because GeeDubs wanted to cut corners not sculpting new models for them.


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    Iorsfel-tan said:

    The whole stuff is super hilarious to me because the lore changes ALL the time with constant rewrites, retcons and whatnot since the second edition decades ago.
    Remember Squats who is rewritten to become the Leagues of Votann? or Leman Russ being an ordinary Space Marine in the 1st edition?..

    My favorite is the Bretonnians, first a highly decadent society functionally existing as a great big Slaneshi cult, then a "Chivalric" society of Arthurian Questing Knights that float somewhere between "Noble but disconnected to the peasants" and "Downright thinks their horses are more human than peasants are".

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    matteste said:

    As for me, I am just bothered by that stupid haircut. Seriously, is that the only female hairstyle that exists these days?

    Given that the artist gave this particular Custodes Nahuatl-looking features, I'm guessing they were riffing on the design of the Shorn Ones, the partially-shaven elite soldiers who lived in the palace of the Aztec emperor.

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    Surprised there's no background joke besides the Hidden Valley bottle. It's just Power enjoying Kobeni's labor pain.

    The face tones and blush confused me because it's not immediately clear which visual effect is indicating which. For a minute, I thought Power was also blushing.

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