


Unexpectedly good? Unexpectedly good?!?

I will have you know that being unable to move because a cat has decided both arms are comfy is nothing short of the worst torture! You can't move because that might make them uncomfortable and as you feel your hands die due to the slight constant pressure and bad posture you will consider your life choices that brought you to this point in time.

Then the torturers have the audacity to bring you confectionary, ice cream and other nice and sweet stuff, yet you are unable to take a bite due to your current predicament.

I say nay good ser! This ain't good, this is Pure Evil!

Ps. I wish I was surrounded by cats, like her. Unfortunately I started to become allergic to cats as I got older.

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    Theparagon said:

    I already know too much about you from this single sentence.

    Uhm, can you enlighten this ignorant person why Tsumikiss is getting so many dislikes? I have seen wayyyy worse comments here on popular posts that had fewer dislikes than hers.

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    Elmithian said:

    Uhm, can you enlighten this ignorant person why Tsumikiss is getting so many dislikes? I have seen wayyyy worse comments here on popular posts that had fewer dislikes than hers.

    The Danbooru hivemind is a confusing thing and trying to understand it is a fool's errant.

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    Elmithian said:

    Uhm, can you enlighten this ignorant person why Tsumikiss is getting so many dislikes? I have seen wayyyy worse comments here on popular posts that had fewer dislikes than hers.

    Horny comments. Horny comments aren't tolerated here

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    BondageEvery247 said:

    Horny comments. Horny comments aren't tolerated here

    Ah... wait... but their first comment wasn't lewd or horny in the least?

    She was talking about the perfume/odor they might have. Most people have a bit of their own unique scent, sure my nose is ruined so I can hardly smell anything anymore, but I remember when I was young that I could usually tell who was approaching me from behind based on the soap/perfume/odor they had.

    Maybe it is a cultural thing, but noticing someone's smell isn't weird. It is when you deliberately approach someone to take in their smell or go into their personal space when it can get weird.

    Btw, they mentioned skunk smell, which if folk didn't know, is something people have described how a wet fox can smell like. Their odor can be... quite the contrast to their fluffy appearance. But that is what having fur often does. Akagi, with her tendency to get tunnel vision might actually be the most likely one to fail to do proper self care in that regard unless she is going to be meeting the Commander.

    And I have seen plenty of people talking about wanting to be embraced and hugging their fluffy tails with lot of thumbs up, her comment is wayyyyy less risque than that when you actually stop to think about it. Hugging someone's fluffy tail involves grabbing onto a vulnerable part of the anthromorphised being on top of going way deep into their personal space.

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