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kwendynew said:
Something between the lines, that she is strong, but fights don't bring scoops and she don't like it when her own danmaku gets on the pictures.

but still, on shoot the bullet, she fought, without danmaku, and won against many of the strongest in gensokyo, including yukari, yuyuko, flandre, the goddes, hijiri and suika, so of course she must be awfully strong

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    I recognize some of the pictures in the light are CEs and scenes from the LB story. And a random picture of Morgan.

    Then the Temple of Time on the far left.

    But I'm lost on the pictures behind Oberon.
    Based on the colour scheme, I can figure out that the middle one shows Musashi.
    The upper one... maybe someone else can tell who's depicted there, I can't.
    And the two lower ones... Absolutely no clue, way too undefined. Right picture: maybe the storm boarder?
    Left picture: Could be anyone. Seriously, from the look alone, that might as well be either Charlie Chaplin or Adolf Hitler.

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    Sloth - Could easily be Yukari, or Mokou.
    Greed - Megumu probably fits this best.
    Gluttony - Yuuma, if you're taking it seriously.
    Lust - Koishi, in terms of pure hedonism. Could also make the case that Tenshi fits this better, causing chaos just to feel something (in which case, Zanmu or Okina could take over pride)

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