πŸŽ‰ Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! πŸŽ‰


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reg_panda said:

Discouraged, that is generally allowed, instead of generally not allowed, as you wrote.

Also the third-party_edit mentions fake_translation but doesn't mention hard-translated.

Hard-translated images are "discouraged" in the sense that the only time they would be approved is if they were the only version of an image that could be found. Since that's usually a rare case, they are almost never approved. Your pedantic interpretation of the wiki's wording doesn't change that uploading them is just a good way to inflate your deletion ratio.

Frankly, I have no idea why a lot of things in hard-translated status:active aren't deleted. A shocking number of them are hard-translated (non-english) which borders on useless for an English speaking site, and most of them are children of the original post, so it's not like they're lost media.

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    That's not in the wiki.

    Hard-translated_(non-english) is explicitly mentioned as it is against the rules.

    > Non-English hard translations are against the rules and may only be uploaded if the original cannot be found anywhere.

    Fake_translation is also explicitly mentioned as it is against the rules.

    > Fake translations are not to be posted on Danbooru. Find the original image.

    (mentioned in third-party_edit too.)

    Hard-translated is discouraged.

    > Uploading hard-translated images is discouraged, due to image quality issues, typographical issues, and the difficulty of confirming the correctness of the translations (see topic #2590 for discussion).


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    Also the linked and recommended topic #2590 starts with

    > I made this point on another image when somebody had a cry about the same thing, but we have no rule against hard translations, never have, and there is no reason what-so-ever to ever have one.

    and it is not called out as something not true.

    People even say things like

    > Bad grammar and/or a bad translation are legitimate reasons to flag a hard translation for deletion, I'd think. While I do kind of shudder to think of the grammar wars that might ensue, hopefully everyone can be reasonable and polite.

    as hard-translations are super duper allowed, even allowed when they are bad, and they talk about not allowing bad hard translations. (That's obviously not the case anymore, danbooru has a much higher standard, and most good pictures get flagged out by default).

    edit : I flooded this post, I am sorry about that. I don't know if I (or someone else) should create a forum discussion and point everyone there, or just keep off topic here. Both options seem equally bad. Again, sorry


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    Sloth - Could easily be Yukari, or Mokou.
    Greed - Megumu probably fits this best.
    Gluttony - Yuuma, if you're taking it seriously.
    Lust - Koishi, in terms of pure hedonism. Could also make the case that Tenshi fits this better, causing chaos just to feel something (in which case, Zanmu or Okina could take over pride)

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    mindgames12 said:

    If the little girl was never brainwashed, what's with the empty eyes when she first picked him up?

    She was def brainwashed at first but later on we can see her without it so I'm going to assume it wore off/eyeball got genuinely attached

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