


Would Denji stick with his "Kobeni tried to kill me, would not smash" ruling? Or admit that's a bunch of bull and he just thinks Kobeni's too timid to find attractive? Though maybe that was just criteria for a girlfriend, not a sexual partner.

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    Wilfriback said:

    Need Agravain in the pool ASAP, guy was badass enough kick Lancelot's ass.

    He wasn't going to survive because Lancelot was still able to fight after that with the revelation that stunned him leading to Agravain getting a cheapshot in. The guy was reduced to being mutiliated by Lancelot, and I'm not certain the claim he had no "Gift" is true. Either way he needed to cheat to more or less stalemate Lancelot.

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    From beast's lair

    Then, the Lion King bestowed "Gifts" upon the Knights stained by their comrades' blood.
    Tristan received the Gift of "Inversion," for she saw his fingers were completely frozen from despair.
    Gawain received the Gift of "Everlight," for he wanted to maximize his usefulness.
    Mordred received the Gift of "Rampage." It wasn't asked for, but it was given.
    Gareth received the Gift of "Impurity," for she wished to avoid being defiled any further.
    Lancelot received the Gift of "Ferocity," for he vowed to ascertain the situation as a person, without martyring himself for justice.
    And, Agravain received the Gift of "Needlessness," for he had declared before all that he had no need for a Gift from the Lion King.

    Unfortunately we have no idea what Impurity and Needlessness entails.

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