
Collection: Touhou - 17th Popularity Poll Pictures

Pictures created by various artists based on voting and results for the 17th Touhou Popularity Poll conducted by the THWiki. Voting ended and results released on 3rd October 2021.

Character Poll top 20:
1. Konpaku Youmu
2. Kirisame Marisa
3. Hakurei Reimu
4. Komeiji Koishi
5. Flandre Scarlet
6. Izayoi Sakuya
7. Remilia Scarlet
8. Fujiwara no Mokou
9. Komeiji Satori
10. Saigyouji Yuyuko
11. Shameimaru Aya
12. Alice Margatroid
13. Kochiya Sanae
14. Reisen Udongein Inaba
15. Hinanawi Tenshi
16. Yakumo Yukari
17. Hata no Kokoro
18. Cirno
19. Patchouli Knowledge
20. Tatara Kogasa

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