
Romanization policy needed: apostrophes for disambiguating ん followed by a vowel

Posted under General

You know, like junichirou vs jun'ichirou. Indicating that it's んい, not に. I guess there's some technical term for it I don't know.

As brought up in forum #31022, we don't have a policy on this. We should institute one. Even if I may regret it. =P

I will accept going either way on this. The upside to using the apostrophes is specificity.

The downside, speaking from a purely practical standpoint, is that we'll probably need a rule of always aliasing the non-apostrophe versions to the apostrophe version. Which is a bit annoying, but the vast majority of people (myself included) don't use the apostrophes and thus wouldn't find the character without an alias. And there could be significant work to be done in the back catalog of posts on this. Not to mention all the artist entry movement that would be needed (huge pain in the ass), if we could even find all the applicable cases.

So for me, it's a tradeoff of specificity vs workload. That said I'll probably just go with whatever gets more support.

Updated by DschingisKhan

Simplicity gets my vote.

I'm not particularly convinced that there will be that much naming confusion, considering the relative rarity of names that will require the /ん(vowel)/ distinction. Also, thinking about the frequency such names will be used.

I'll be clear on the opinion that specificity is great. But it's not really a necessity as an official policy.

sgcdonmai said:
Example: Ten'ou Haruka, a.k.a. Sailor Uranus. The pronunciation of her name is te-n-o-u, not te-no-u.
(As an aside, her character tag is currently mis-romanized as tenoh_haruka, so I'll request an alias to ten'ou_haruka.)

Actually, it's ten-ou, with "ou" being a single sound (which is important, there's no "u" there, it's just lengthening the preceding "o"). Unless you meant to write "spelling" in the above?

As I mentioned in the other thread, I would prefer apostrophes for "ん followed by a vowel". It's an important distinction to make in my mind. With that standardized, it is easy to infer what everything romanized on Danbooru would look like in hiragana (well, with the exception of じ vs. ぢ and ず vs. づ, but there's no good way of fixing that...).


I cringe at apostrophes used like that because of my studies back when I was still in college (damn you, Wade-Giles), but I'd have to cast my vote for it.

I don't like it from an aesthetic perspective, but I can't find a reason against it other than my personal preference, so... yeah. It might not be used much, but there do exist cases where it clarifies an otherwise potentially iffy situation.

If it brings about a positive effect syntactically, then it should be for the better in the long run.

+1 specific

Lalaca: Ugh... haphazardly translated memes... *shudder*

Anyway, I'm all for using ' where it is needed. While 葉月 may be all for good pronunciation hints in romanization, I on the other hand am all for good (kana) spelling hints in romanization. On this topic, thankfully, the two agendas concur fully, since に and んい are both spelled and pronounced differently.

Thanks for bringing this up, jxh2154.

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