
Renaming minor Touhou characters

Posted under Tags

Well, I don't like having this one random character be qualified, I don't think it's any more necessary than any of the other characters, but I'm too lazy to request the other tags so I'll leave that to someone else.

BUR #6469 has been rejected.

create alias wolf_tengu_extra_(touhou) -> generic_wolf_tengu_(touhou)
create alias crow_tengu_extra_(touhou) -> generic_crow_tengu_(touhou)
create alias inaba -> generic_earth_rabbit_(touhou)
create alias tanuki_extra -> generic_tanuki_(touhou)
create alias moon_rabbit_(touhou) -> generic_moon_rabbit_(touhou)

Renaming and standardizing unnamed character tags (see also: topic #18944)
We could also go @NNescio 's proposal, but i would rather not have crow_tengu_(touhou) flooded with aya artworks.

Username_Hidden said:

BUR #6469 has been rejected.

create alias wolf_tengu_extra_(touhou) -> generic_wolf_tengu_(touhou)
create alias crow_tengu_extra_(touhou) -> generic_crow_tengu_(touhou)
create alias inaba -> generic_earth_rabbit_(touhou)
create alias tanuki_extra -> generic_tanuki_(touhou)
create alias moon_rabbit_(touhou) -> generic_moon_rabbit_(touhou)

Renaming and standardizing unnamed character tags (see also: topic #18944)
We could also go @NNescio 's proposal, but i would rather not have crow_tengu_(touhou) flooded with aya artworks.

I think we can simplify the unnamed Tengu chartags a step further to just unnamed_tengu_(touhou), since the handful of people interested in seeing generic Tengu characters likely wouldn't care about their type. Tengu_mob is another alternative, like how we have kappa_mob for generic Kappa characters in some Touhou illustrations.

Tags were split off from the old crow_tengu and white_wolf_tengu tags to avoid flooding with official (crow) tengu characters and Momiji examples. I went with *_extra instead of unnamed*_ because there were some generic one-off characters like post #2071021 and post #2071024 with actual (joke) names, so "unnamed" felt a bit inaccurate.

Though maybe we could use "*_mob" instead of "*_extra". I picked "extra" because it's the equivalent English term and because the tengu generics don't usually tend to "mob" in groups unlike the kappa generics, but maybe that was spitting hairs too much. The Japanese sites tend to just call all these generics some variation of モブ (mob) after all.

Or just use "unnamed_*" anyway and don't mind even if the generics have actual names. Or exclude those named generics and give them their own chartags, though it might make them harder to find. But they can be mentioned in the unnamed_* wikis.

Edit: And wouldn't mind them being merged into a single Touhou tengu generic character tag either, like Tengu_mob.


Actually, crow tengu extra (touhou) and wolf tengu extra (touhou) do follow a standard, one set by Tanuki Extra. Also, do we not have a tag for Touhou moon rabbit extras?

yyflandre said:

Tengu_mob is another alternative, like how we have kappa_mob for generic Kappa characters in some Touhou illustrations.

To some degree I oppose this, but that's because Kappa Mob refers to a specific set of unnamed Kappas, not just any old generic Kappas. But so too does Tanuki Extra refer to a specific set of unnamed Tanuki, so my opposition only goes so far.

create alias inaba -> unnamed_rabbit_(touhou)

I disagree with this one, even though the wiki do say that humanoid rabbit can be tagged with this (and in canon, inaba does include the humanoid), you can see that most of the post tagged with inaba is the Iotm&Iote version of the rabbit (the chibi non-humanoid) version, renaming it into just unnamed_rabbit will just make people think of humanoid rabbit youkai, just like the other unnamed_* version. but i do think that humanoid rabbit youkai do need tags too

I mean you can also search it with inaba + bunny, but, with a limited role of a member, searching for inaba + bunny + tewi or inaba + bunny + kaguya would be impossible


NNescio said:

And wouldn't mind them being merged into a single Touhou tengu generic character tag either, like Tengu_mob.

-1, that wouldn't make sense given their appearance differs quite a bit

Damian0358 said:

Actually, crow tengu extra (touhou) and wolf tengu extra (touhou) do follow a standard, one set by Tanuki Extra.

You're not wrong, but i still feel like "extra" is a bad name, considering the existence of characters like ex-keine and ex-rumia. "Generic" may be a better tag name. Going to update the BUR appropriately.

To some degree I oppose this, but that's because Kappa Mob refers to a specific set of unnamed Kappas, not just any old generic Kappas. But so too does Tanuki Extra refer to a specific set of unnamed Tanuki, so my opposition only goes so far.

+1, although i don't think they have ever been referred to as "Tanuki Extra" in official content, unlike the Kappa Mob.
I haven't been able to find anything with a quick search on the wiki.

yyflandre said:

moon_rabbit_(touhou) seems to cover both generic and the extras which I think is fine as is but then there's the moon_rabbit general tag (half are canon tagged on Touhou posts of course), so an alias to unnamed_moon_rabbit_(touhou) wouldn't be a bad idea.

I think the tag has value, aliasing it to just make it a touhou tag isn't wise. We could either make touhou characters not appear in moon_rabbit, or we could garden it from the canon tagging.

inabamob said:

I disagree with this one, even though the wiki do say that humanoid rabbit can be tagged with this (and in canon, inaba does include the humanoid), you can see that most of the post tagged with inaba is the Iotm&Iote version of the rabbit (the chibi non-humanoid) version, renaming it into just unnamed_rabbit will just make people think of humanoid rabbit youkai, just like the other unnamed_* version. but i do think that humanoid rabbit youkai do need tags too

I mean you can also search it with inaba + bunny, but, with a limited role of a member, searching for inaba + bunny + tewi or inaba + bunny + kaguya would be impossible

I see your point, but i think touhou rabbits are pretty generic-looking. I don't think they need a separate tag.

On your second point, i think because you can search it with inaba bunny means the separate tag isn't needed. The tag policy usually goes that if you can search something with the combination of two tags, then it isn't needed.
The tag is only a couple hundred posts big, so i don't think it should be much of an issue for normal users, although i understand your struggle.

Updated BUR to include tanuki extra and moon_rabbit_(touhou), changed unnamed_* to generic_*, changed inaba alias to earth_rabbit in order to differentiate them from moon_rabbit.

Username_Hidden said:

You're not wrong, but i still feel like "extra" is a bad name, considering the existence of characters like ex-keine and ex-rumia. "Generic" may be a better tag name. Going to update the BUR appropriately.

We do have extra as a tag for background mob kyaras in general... though maybe we should alias that tag to something less ambiguous? Background_extra? Background_extra_character?

Speaking of, should the Touhou generics imply extra?

Edit: Wait, cross-category implication, dumb idea.

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