103rd year visual
yugiri tsuzuri
A virtual school idol and member of Link! Like! Love Live!'s DOLLCHESTRA from the 102nd class. She is often absent-minded, and has a peculiar way of speaking. But on stage, she is an excellent performer.
She has red/pink eyes and short hair which is predominantly white-to-grey with red streaks and inner hair. Her hair is typically styled in an inverted bob with diagonal bangs and star hair ornaments.
She often wears black half gloves, a black o-ring choker, black pantyhose, and black shoes with her winter uniform. She also wears the choker with her summer uniform.
Voiced by Sasaki Kotoko.
The following tags implicate this tag: yugiri_tsuzuri_(18th_birthday), yugiri_tsuzuri_(eisritter), yugiri_tsuzuri_(fukuin_no_ginga_e), yugiri_tsuzuri_(hajikeru_suika_soda), yugiri_tsuzuri_(kakumei_no_butoukai), yugiri_tsuzuri_(osanpo_nikki), yugiri_tsuzuri_(setsubun_-oyozure-), yugiri_tsuzuri_(shinjitsu_no_butoukai), yugiri_tsuzuri_(summer_casual), yugiri_tsuzuri_(summer_loungewear), yugiri_tsuzuri_(summer_training_wear), yugiri_tsuzuri_(swimsuit), yugiri_tsuzuri_(vivid_phrase), yugiri_tsuzuri_(winter_casual), yugiri_tsuzuri_(winter_loungewear), and yugiri_tsuzuri_(winter_training_wear) (learn more).