
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Laethiel said:

Not sure if this is related to the change evazion mentioned, but until recently, I could use the left and right arrow keys to scroll horizontally while looking at a post. According to the keyboard shortcuts page, left and right are only supposed to be Previous Page and Next Page for the listing, not while looking at a post. a & d provide that functionality anyway, and losing the ability to horizontally scroll with the keyboard is inconvenient.

Yes, this is very inconvenient for me too, since I like being able to use the arrow keys to scroll large images and now half of that doesn't work.

Site update (2017.01.25 - 2017.02.02)
  • issue #2859: You can now search uncategorized saved searches with search:uncategorized.
  • issue #2871: You can now search by filetype with filetype:png. Common filetypes include jpg, png, gif, swf, webm, mp4, and zip (ugoiras). Other filetypes: jpeg, bmp, rar, mpg, mp3, wmv, pdf, html, avi, and 1. The latter belong to old posts that were grandfathered in.

Full changelog: https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru/compare/production-2017.01.25-002242-utc...production-2017.02.02-194929-utc

Provence said:

I only see this now (after multiple months D: ):
It's about the mod actions from Wypatroszony (I highly agree with them). As you can see there are only three actions noted there: Promotion from one user rank to another.
According to this, they did four actions, though: pkmntrainer7 was already a Builder but hadn't unlimited uploads.

I think that also the last action, promoting someone with the permission, should also be noted in the mod action page.

Filed as issue #2876.

Provence said:

Then on the other side on your profile you can blacklist tags. I did that and looked how it effects the mod queue: It doesn't affect the mod queue in any way. That means I can still see posts with blacklisted tags. I've checked twice.

I think ignoring blacklists in the mod queue is intentional, to make sure that approvers review all uploads.

For some reason, http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/2618450 and http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/2618465 have strangely cut-off previews, but viewing the images in full reveals the full view has remained completely intact with no cutoff whatsoever. I don't know if the source site is to blame, but if anything, should I try uploading these images from my PC's image folder instead to try and see whether the cutting off still occurs?

Thank you for reading.
- Kyuzeth

EDIT: Uploading the files from my PC proves to be of no help, either. It must be the images themselves. Apologies for any inconveniencies.


BrokenEagle98 said:

This might deserve its own topic, but can we finally force only US QWERTY keyboard characters for tags....? What's the point of having a tag that can't be typed out...? Autocomplete is not the answer IMHO.

Especially because you can turn it off in the settings afaik.

BrokenEagle98 said:

This might deserve its own topic, but can we finally force only US QWERTY keyboard characters for tags....? What's the point of having a tag that can't be typed out...? Autocomplete is not the answer IMHO.

That's, uh, already been a thing for as long as I can remember.

howto:tag said:

Roman Characters Only. Use only characters and symbols easily accessible from Roman Keyboards, like the US QWERTY keyboard. Keep to the basic punctuation symbols, especially for emoticons and romanize all names. See howto:romanize for details.

OOZ662 said:

That's, uh, already been a thing for as long as I can remember.

Ah, sorry, I should have been a little more clearer. Right now that only exists as a policy. I'm talking about programmatic enforcement, where it would be impossible to create those types of tags. That's because despite it being policy, those kind of tags keep getting generated by users not in the know, which then requires later cleanu

Provence said:

Well, ok.
This wiki only shows how japanese names should be romanized.
We probably should do the same for these signs.

I already took care of the above tag just by removing the mars and venus signs and replacing it with a "-".


I have a problem accesing post #1362057 full-size image. The page loads well and the resized image shows ok, but when I hit 'view original', the original sized image doesn't load. Trying to download the image from the left menu gives a 403 error.

While I'm not sure if this thread is the best for this error, I'm sure it's ok to suggest here to do and run some script from the admin side which ensures that every single file which must exist does actually exist, and can be publically accessed (when it should be). My unix days were like a century ago, but I'm sure among the admins and devs there are some people capable of doing this if you think it's worth it. Think of it as part of that 2%.

jmm said:

I have a problem accesing post #1362057 full-size image. The page loads well and the resized image shows ok, but when I hit 'view original', the original sized image doesn't load. Trying to download the image from the left menu gives a 403 error.

While I'm not sure if this thread is the best for this error, I'm sure it's ok to suggest here to do and run some script from the admin side which ensures that every single file which must exist does actually exist, and can be publically accessed (when it should be). My unix days were like a century ago, but I'm sure among the admins and devs there are some people capable of doing this if you think it's worth it. Think of it as part of that 2%.

For your second part, I could probably work something up.

Regardless, for the first part, I made a note on topic #8984/p44 about the post you mentioned. These kinds of posts may need to be expunged and then reuploaded, if and only if the original source is still available. Otherwise, the sample image is better than nothing.

I'm not sure if this a bug or not but my blacklisted items are defaulting to visible now and I'm having to click the blacklisted tag to actually turn my blacklist on.

I don't get what's going on with this but getting a face full of stuff I blacklisted long ago for a reason.

I tell it to hide it and then it just undoes every time I go to the next page.

Edit: I clicked enable all and it now fixed it. But I never did a full disable.

Not sure this is worth filing an issue, but I noted the following with the updating of a particular wiki...


I added a red circle highlighting the issue. Basically, very long tags/wikis play havoc with the site layout. The tag/wiki is Kuouzumiaiginsusutakeizumonokamimeichoujin Mika if you have trouble reading the text.

One solution, if one were to be pursued, could be to add Zero Width Spaces every 25 characters or so to break up very long character strings like that.