
Comment abuse report thread

Posted under General

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OOZ662 said:

user #432389 (Dandy10) is really getting old. S/he has either ignored or not seen the negative feedbacks. I actually can't remember the last time I saw a comment hit -6.

They're horrid comments sure, but wish the response would have stuck to one negative feedback; OOZ662 already did the right thing and gave contrsuctive feedback and linked the howto guide. Two more negatives within hours of that isn't how the system is meant to be used if I recall. Give the user time torealize their mistake, read the guide, etc.

Could just be someone trolling of course.

Saduharta said:

They're horrid comments sure, but wish the response would have stuck to one negative feedback; OOZ662 already did the right thing and gave contrsuctive feedback and linked the howto guide. Two more negatives within hours of that isn't how the system is meant to be used if I recall. Give the user time torealize their mistake, read the guide, etc.

It looks like he continued to make comments after each negative record he got. So the newer negative records weren't just in response to his original comments, but the fact that he continued to make the same mistake even after OOZ662 explained it to him.

I sent him a message asking him to cease, so if he still continues I'd have no issues with banning him. The account imo looks to have just been created for this purpose though, and the comments remind me of a past user we had complaints about posting comments somewhat like these.

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