Sorry if my question is dumb or it is written anywhere, I tried searching. I've just opened the tag list and saw a great number of empty tags. Why even have them in the list? Is there any way to delete them?
Updated by Flippernino
Posted under General
Sorry if my question is dumb or it is written anywhere, I tried searching. I've just opened the tag list and saw a great number of empty tags. Why even have them in the list? Is there any way to delete them?
Updated by Flippernino
Some wonky stuff happens with tag counting and deleted posts. You could be searching for tags whose only occurrences are on deleted posts. I've seen some tag counts in the negatives due to this, however I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Could you clarify which tags you're experiencing this with? Or if there are too many, a handful of examples would suffice. Some things are difficult to diagnose and help with if we can't see it for ourselves.
i think (i maybe wrong), that the OP refers to this list
it's actually nice that the system keeps track even of empty tags, but i hope these tags (both empty and unaliased at least 3 months old) would be deleted from the system or at least from the list. so that in case someone mistakenly use them again, they will appear on the top and thus it will be easier for gardeners to check for misspellings, typos, mistags, and mistypes.
picnic said:
I've seen some tag counts in the negatives due to this, however I can't think of any off the top of my head.
cap and shanghai are two very good examples; cap was nuked after I cleaned out the should-be-screencap posts from it and shanghai freaked out after we switched to shanghai_doll.
I still go through and empty cap out once in a while; you'd think the -92 next to it would prompt people to stop using it or at least inquire why it was doing that.
OOZ662 said:
I still go through and empty cap out once in a while; you'd think the -92 next to it would prompt people to stop using it or at least inquire why it was doing that.
Regarding these "do not use" empty tags, is it a good idea to write wiki articles about them, telling users which tags to use instead? Even though in general there shouldn’t be wiki articles for non-existant tags, I wrote one for short a while ago and I think the amount of posts with that tag decreased a lot. Should we write one for cap an the likes as well?
kittey said:
Regarding these "do not use" empty tags, is it a good idea to write wiki articles about them, telling users which tags to use instead? Even though in general there shouldn’t be wiki articles for non-existant tags, I wrote one for short a while ago and I think the amount of posts with that tag decreased a lot. Should we write one for cap an the likes as well?
Seems like a worthy undertaking to me, especially since it appeared to work in your case. I'd say go for it, and I will from now on too, unless there's a good reason not to.