
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

MagicalAsparagus said:

post #107449 - 白姫@絶対服従
Is that shiraki or shirohime?..

and post #107435 - am I reading right? 竹内清志

Well, can't be shiraki at all (you don't ever mix kun'yomi and on'yomi name readings together) but kun'yomi readings is shirohime or shirahime. Going by the stacc link though (hakuki_a), artist probably meant to have it read as hakuki (on'yomi reading).

Second post... I can't make out a thing about what you're looking at, the text is so tiny orz


MagicalAsparagus said:

Please, check whether hanpera and kiya_shii are the same person, they have the same website.
I remember there was a separate tread for this, but I can't find it, sorry

Looks like it.

MagicalAsparagus said:

Also, tateo_retsu and betei could be the same artist

No. They have similar artstyles, but going to the artists websites revealed no correlation (that I could find).

MagicalAsparagus said:

sakurai_dai and bellcyan - definitely the same artist

Could very well be, as the artstyle is similar and they do share a URL. Unfortunately, all of the artists sites are down, and a random sampling of SauceNao's didn't reveal any correlation.

However, the above website correlation could be enough to justify a merging, and it certainly wouldn't hurt anything at this point.