
Removing little girls from search results

Posted under General

Hello all, I wondering if there is any way to remove little girls from the search results? I'm just not into that, and it really gets in the way, since there are so many. I haven't seen any tags that I could exclude that deal with this. Thanks!

Updated by titaniachkt

You can at least help fix the problem a bit by tagging untagged images as you see them.

Remember, for reference: loli is for images of children that are sexually-suggestive (or worse), child is for 'safe' images of children, and 'young' is for characters portrayed as younger than they usually are.

As a side note, 'Young' which doesn't necessarily mean that they're a child, just younger than they're usually portrayed -- eg post #1093674, which is certainly not young in absolute terms (his hair is already starting to go gray!), but which is still clearly younger than he's usually shown, so it gets the tag.

Though a quick look at young -child shows that a ''lot'' of images aren't getting the child tag when they really should...

The wiki page for child says "Not to be confused with child", which makes me think child and young are supposed to be exclusive. If it's not, then it needs to say "Not to be confused with young, but both tags can apply to one character". As well, the young wiki makes no mention of child when it really should.

They're not synonyms, but they shouldn't be exclusive since there's a lot of fine-grained difference between them.

  • Koiwai Yotsuba is a child. Depictions of her as a child are not young. Her as a baby would be.
  • Cirno's age is indeterminate, both in years and in appearance. She is often depicted as a child, but probably should not be tagged young since we can't really tell.
  • The artist st parasu did a series of images with Rin & Sakura of Fate/Stay Night as children. Since they are teenagers in canon, these images should get both child and young.
  • In post #1101906, Ikari Gendou and Ikari Yui when she was pregnant with Shinji. Both are full-grown adults, so Gendou gets young but doesn't get child.

Xabid said:
You can at least help fix the problem a bit by tagging untagged images as you see them.

If he's going to do that with the loli tag, though, he's going to need to learn the site's qualifications for that tag. Only NSFW images, and only images where the subject in question is definitely a child. I mention this only because he makes note of there being "so many" pictures of little girls, but there certainly aren't many untagged loli images slipping through the cracks.

Refer to forum #33650 for any examples that you're uncertain about.