
Tag Implication: paizuri -> breasts

Posted under General

Ok so I can only look up to 2 tags, but the results for "paizuri + flat_chest" all contain multiple girls (save for two), and the one with the flat chest isn't doing the paizuri. And if the one with the flat chest is attempting paizuri, then it becomes naizuri, as piespy said.

Also, I looked up "breasts + flat_chest" and most of them contain multiple girls. Breasts wiki says "You should not use this tag to describe a flat-chested girl" but solo pictures with only a flat-chested character contain these 2 tags for some reason.

piespy said:
Those appear to be mostly when they are two girls in the picture, one of which is flat-chested and the other is doing paizuri.

An actually flat-chested girl attempted paizuri should be tagged naizuri instead.

Searching "paizuri + flat_chest -breasts" eliminated those results. Note the minus sign. (And the past tense, incidentally.)

lastsinz said:
Ok so I can only look up to 2 tags, but the results for "paizuri + flat_chest" all contain multiple girls (save for two), and the one with the flat chest isn't doing the paizuri. And if the one with the flat chest is attempting paizuri, then it becomes naizuri, as piespy said.

Also, I looked up "breasts + flat_chest" and most of them contain multiple girls. Breasts wiki says "You should not use this tag to describe a flat-chested girl" but solo pictures with only a flat-chested character contain these 2 tags for some reason.

Again, specifying "-breasts" (note the minus sign there) specifically excludes incidences of a different, non-flat-chested girl doing the paizuri.

That said, nothing can be found with "paizuri + flat_chest -breasts" any longer, as those images have been retagged as "naizuri", presumably by RaisingK.

RaisingK said:
Not anymore.