
bunny_girl tag

Posted under General

From the looks of it, bunny_girl is a relic from the old times when girls with cat_ears were tagged cat_girl, dog_ears dog_girl, etc.
and it alone wasn't aliased to bunny_ears because it refers also to playboy bunnies.

General: bunny girl

A "bunny girl" generally refers to a Japanese term given to a Playboy bunny, especially one who wears a bunnysuit.

But some images having this tag do not refer to the Playboy bunny, but simply a female human or anthromorph having rabbit ears, but not necessarily the other elements of the Playboy bunny.

The first part can be taken care of with bunnysuit and bunny_girl used for characters other than playboy bunnies is very rare. Those are nowadays taken care of with bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail. (like they should be)

General: bunnysuit

Usually, a "bunny suit" refers to the leotard/bathing suit/corset like costume typically worn by Playboy bunnies, also known as bunny girls.

This tag is currently implicated with "bunny ears," so use the following tags instead if the rabbit ears aren't actually in the picture:

* 'bunny girl' if the bunny tail can explicitly be seen, since this tag is not implicated with "bunny ears" as "bunnysuit" does
* 'kittysuit' if one is wearing cat ears
* 'leotard' and other appropriate tags for those wearing other animal ears or none at all.

The following are aliased to this tag: bunnygirl, bunny_suit

The suggested use of bunny_girl instead of bunny_suit is a rather roundabout way that only exists because of the bunny_ears implication. It tells you to use a tag with the same meaning, but 1 less implication. It also doesn't say anything about bunnysuit/bunny_girl pictures with bunny_ears AND bunny_tail.

If we just remove the implication, we can add bunnysuit to pictures of all playboy bunnies that can be identified as such. That means, if bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail is/are visible on the playboy costume, add the bunnysuit tag and the ears and/or tail tag manually only when they apply.
That is because to identify a bunny_girl/bunnysuit, you only need to see one of those two elements.

bunnysuit: For playboy bunnies. A playboy bunny has visible bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail.
simplifies use of bunnysuit/bunny_girl.
Requires removing the bunny_ears implication from bunnysuit.

Updated by jxh2154

Hillside_Moose said:
A bunnysuit without bunny_ears is just a leotard, so no, -1 to implication removal.

post #82465, post #381528 are not just a leotard.
You an clearly tell by the bunny_tail that it is a playboy bunny costume, but because bunnysuit implicates bunny_ears, it gets the bunny_girl tag instead. Also, you could at least back up your opinion with a reason why you think that way, even if it sounds so natural to you.

BTW, the bunnysuit wiki tells you to tag the pictures bunny_girl when the ears are not visible and the tail is, but most bunny_girl tags do feature bunny_ears, too. I see conflicting wiki definitions.

Do we really need two tags. 1 for playboy bunnies with visible bunny ears, and one for playboy bunnies without visible bunny ears when the bunny_ears tag alone already makes that distinction?

bunnysuit would show all playboy bunny pictures.
bunnysuit bunny_ears all under the current definition
bunnysuit -bunny_ears all bunny_girl images (at least once that is cleaned up to fulfill its purpose) of playboy bunnies without visible bunny_ears, but visible bunny_tail

post #820997 is fine with bunny_ears, bunny_tail and kemonomimi_mode, just like all other non playboy bunny images. As I said, if bunny_girl didn't also encompass playboy bunnies (without visible bunny ears as per bunnysuit wiki), it would've been aliased to bunny_ears just like the rest of the *_girls tags.


Why do we call it bunnysuit when all of the other bunny tags are two words? bunny_suit is even aliased to bunnysuit, despite Google giving more results for the former, and Wikipedia using the former as well. (Google even asks "Did you mean bunny suit?" when searching for bunnysuit.)

If nothing else, can we reverse the alias and make bunny_suit the main tag (you would have to alias bunnygirl to it as well)?

Since I saw more frequent use of the bunny_girl tag lately, I'd like to continue this thread.

Do we still have any use for this tag?
From what I see, we can use bunnysuit and add bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail based on which one is visible.

On the other hand, there are images of bunny girls which replace the bunny suit for a different outfit, such as a bikini (post #1463057), while still retaining typical features such as fake animal ears, high heels, detached collar, wrist cuffs, tray (waitress).
Could these be made the focus of the bunny girl tag instead? Or could it be an umbrella tag that covers both?

There are also "real" bunny girls, as in those who have natural bunny_ears and bunny_tail, not the fake ones.
From what I can see there are no reliable way to search for them currently. We could use bunny_girl for them, but this probably will lead to a lot of misstagging, so I'm not sure.

Btw, bunnygirl is currently aliased to bunnysuit. This alias should be moved to bunny_girl:

remove alias bunnygirl -> bunnysuit
create alias bunnygirl -> bunny_girl

MyrMindservant said:

There are also "real" bunny girls, as in those who have natural bunny_ears and bunny_tail, not the fake ones.
From what I can see there are no reliable way to search for them currently. We could use bunny_girl for them, but this probably will lead to a lot of misstagging, so I'm not sure.

One would assume that "real" bunny girls are tagged with just bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail just like every other animal character. If they are not real, there's fake animal ears (and the fake tail tag that, but that one has only 84 tags).

MyrMindservant said:
Btw, bunnygirl is currently aliased to bunnysuit. This alias should be moved to bunny_girl:

remove alias bunnygirl -> bunnysuit
create alias bunnygirl -> bunny_girl

Not before we know what to do with bunny girl. This alias change would be for nothing should we just end up aliasing bunny girl to bunnysuit in the end.

-1, This was already discussed elsewhere with other animal/monster girls/boys, and the judgement was that these tags should be retained. The reasoning for this is because for most of the parts tags it is the character that is defining the parts, and not the parts that are defining the character (it isn't the cat ears defining the girl as a cat girl, it is the cat girl defining the ears as cat ears). Though bunny ears and tail are fairly unique, I don't think it should be made an exception, just because of that.

The tag just needs to be fully populated is the issue.

evazion said:

But bunny girl is ambiguous. It's used both for playboy bunnies and "real" bunny girls (that is, usagimimi, which by the way is already aliased to bunny ears). These are two different things and should not be conflated.

It would be nice if we had a tag specifically for actual bunny girls as opposed to the costume, but as you mention bunny_girl is definitely not going to work, it just gets filled with bunnysuit images. Is there some other name we can use instead of bunny_girl to reduce confusion?

MagicalAsparagus said:

As to girls with real bunny ears, well, we don't have cat_girl or dog_girl. It's covered by *_ears tag. So the bunny girl tag actually IS an exception.

That's just because no one got around to populating them.

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