
Holding head

Posted under Tags

OblivArt said:

Holding head is supposed to be for severed or disembodied heads, while the other two seem to be more or less just head grab (but split into self/other) with a couple severed head posts thrown in there.

For non-detached head, we already have hand on own head, hands on own head and clutching head as well as hand on another's head and hands on another's head.

I would suggest that for the sake of consistency, the various "holding head" tag should be for detached head only. Name changes as you suggest to clarify things would be ok too.

Maybe we can have holding own detached head or holding another's detached head. I need some more opinions on this.

nonamethanks said:

There is simply zero chance holding own head and holding another's head won't be used for things like post #7801268. Nobody's going to look at those tag names and immediately assume they're for severed heads.

Yeah, that's why these are potentially ambiguous tags. I don't think people look at holding head and think at first that it's about detached head either. I was just going with holding head wiki. Either the wiki has to change or the name needs to be changed to be more clear.

If you can make a case where holding head is already widely understood to be about severed head then I guess it can stay as is. I can already see quite a few mistagging though.

About holding own head, I think hand on own head, hands on own head and clutching head should suffice already. Is there a situation where you can hold your own head (non-detached) without any of those tags?

BUR #28774 has been rejected.

create alias holding_another's_head -> head_grab
remove alias holding_another's_head -> head_grab
rename holding_own_head -> holding_detached_head

I made this as a complement to the earlier BUR. This tag, as the wiki says, is meant for detached heads but it has effectively been bastardised into another head_grab, with over 600 posts no less. For the posts with actual detached heads, we can probably easily add holding head before we move that tag.

holding_own_head contains 19 posts with a few mistags, it's still salvageable.

I'm not sure if we need different tags for holding one's own head and another's head, if you think we do, I'll update this later.

Should we depreciate holding_another's_head and holding_own_head too? I feel like there is going to be a point someone makes the mistake of making these tags again instead of using the appropriate tags

wadahishi said:

Should we depreciate holding_another's_head and holding_own_head too? I feel like there is going to be a point someone makes the mistake of making these tags again instead of using the appropriate tags

I would agree that we may need to have those tags deprecated. I mean the latest posts under holding own head are already mistagged.

Btw, should we still differentiate between own and other's detached head? Or is a single tag for all kind of detached head enough?


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