
alias somnophilia -> sleep_molestation

Posted under Tags

BUR #18592 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create alias somnophilia -> sleep_molestation

recreated again today

previously brought up in in topic #18949, but discussion switched to definition of groping

NNescio said:
It's probably also a somewhat obscure term for the average user.

its what pixiv calls it https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E7%9D%A1%E5%A7%A6/artworks?s_mode=s_tag

i dont really care which way the alias goes

Yeah, back then I figured aliasing it that way made more sense due to the existence of other -philia tags like necrophilia but overall as long as there's an alias in place it works, it's a fairly common term used as a tag in various places.