
Utility aliases for cross variants

Posted under Tags

BUR #18250 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias cross_barby -> arrow_cross

Wikipedia says that arrow cross is the name of a cross with arrow-like tips.
Utility alias for findability, it is a correct term and that's what most people will think about the symbol based on the appearance. Cross barby is still an obscure name at all.

I hope the utility alias will still worth it. While this tag is visually very descriptive, yet need to be populated.


BUR #18654 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias cross_of_lorraine -> two-barred_cross
create implication two-barred_cross -> cross

Wikipedia said:
Two-barred cross is similar to a Latin cross but with an extra bar added. The lengths and placement of the bars (or "arms") vary, and most of the variations are interchangeably called the cross of Lorraine, the patriarchal cross...

Related to the previous BUR. Utility alias, also for more versatility. Cross of Lorraine itself is too specific for France-related ones which has shorter upper bar. While there are also posts which depict ones with symmetrical horizontal bar length and symmetrical placement. For instance post #5834424 (the Lithuanian coat of arms) and post #697786, of which the two-barred cross on the Slovakian CoA was originated from the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire in the 9th century.

Tagging and tag name nomenclature should be correct, yet intuitive. Most people will recognize its basic shape over the name of certain religious figure.
I.e. we use inverted cross instead of "Cross of Saint Peter".
