
Nuke huge_filesize

Posted under Tags

BUR #7215 has been approved by @evazion.

nuke huge_filesize

Huge filesize is automatically applied to any post that is at least 10MB large. There are several problems with this tag:

  • I don't think it's something you need to search for often. Or ever, really.
  • I don't think it's worth the clutter in the tag list. Meta tags are getting out of control lately and I think we should start paring them down.
  • You can do filesize:>10MB or order:filesize if you really do need to search by filesize.
  • Huge is relative. 10MB may be huge for an image, but not for a video. 10MB may be huge to a person on a phone with slow internet, but not to someone with fast internet. 10MB may have been huge back when this tag was created, but not so much today.