
Granblue class tag changes

Posted under Tags

BUR #7041 has been rejected.

category kimi_to_boku_no_mirai -> character
category guider_to_the_eternal_edge -> character
category conqueror_of_the_eternals -> character
category alter_ego_malevolent_(granblue_fantasy) -> character
category alter_ego_conjurer_(granblue_fantasy) -> character
create alias kuvira_(granblue_fantasy) -> kumbhira_(granblue_fantasy)

One thing forgot, the main character skins. Luckily theres only a few right now as they arent really being kept up with

Edit: and while this is here another jp -> eng char alias because i seem to keep missing them sorry


nonamethanks said:

Wait, I'm not sure about some of these. kimi to boku no mirai looks very similar to stuff like idolmaster songs (snow_halation comes to mind), and we don't tag those as chartags. That's a big difference from RPG classes.

its the idol skin thats shared by Gran, Djeeta and a few other characters eng wiki page. I figured they would should be chartags like other gacha game skins.

Username_Hidden said:

Wait, if we're chartagging skins then other granblue skins should be chartagged too...

yes both mc classes and character skins are very undertagged at this point, but I dont think anyone wants to go through 35k posts to tag them. These are the only actual character skins with tags right now so I want to fix them up, otherwise we could just delete them entirely


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