
[REJECTED] Tag alias: sailor_fuku -> serafuku

Posted under Tags

kittey said:

1 & 2: Should I resubmit this request the other way round, using sailor_suit or sailor_uniform (the latter consistent with naming of school_uniform)?
2. I hadn't adequately thought the translation through. I don't know Japanese and had it in mind that fuku might refer specifically to female uniforms and as such not have a 1:1 translation, but I didn't check.
3: Should I submit requests for all of those as well, or are you just making note for any potential approvers?

Part of why serafuku stayed in romanized japanese was because it's a pretty Japanese concept at this point. Outside of Japan, "sailor uniform" would be what a modern naval seaman wears, the Japanese version was based on naval uniforms in the late 1800's when they started to use them, but it's very much become its own thing.

We have the same situation with buruma (a very Japanese specific garnment) which we can't romanize / translate properly, as bloomers are a different article of clothing.

Note that when Danbooru moved away from Japanese terms for Japanese's sake, the alias for seifuku -> student uniform did flip direction, and serafuku intentionally didn't.

I guess my wording is a bit confusing, seifuku was the original tag name. When English terms became preferred, the alias seifuku -> student uniform was created. I don't actually remember if there used to be a student uniform -> seifuku alias, but if there was, it was flipped.

The only alias to serafuku would appear to be a shortcut /se -> serafuku (which honestly I didn't realize existed). I think the shortcut aliases on the whole predate autocompletion as a feature though. There wasn't an English/Japanese alias to flip there though, as it was considered a Japanese term on its own.