
[FAILED] Tag alias: mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) -> mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou)

Posted under Tags

create alias mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) -> mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou)

Link to alias

In this video, after a short while of fiddling with the channel name, the channel (and therefore copyright) has changed names from Kemomimi VR Channel to Kemomimi Oukoku Kokuei Housou. Also confirmable at official website. This means the character tag should be updated as well.

EDIT: This tag alias is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: The tag alias mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) -> mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou) (forum #143862) failed during processing. Reason: PG::ConnectionBad: PQsocket() can't get socket descriptor: SELECT "post_versions".* FROM "post_versions" WHERE "post_versions"."post_id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at

EDIT: The tag alias mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) -> mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou) (forum #143862) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

EDIT: The tag alias mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) -> mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou) (forum #143862) has conflicting wiki pages. mikoko_(kemomimi_oukoku_kokuei_housou) should be updated to include information from mikoko_(kemomimi_vr_channel) if necessary.

Updated by DanbooruBot