
kupaa vs. spread_pussy

Posted under Tags

What's the deal with the kupaa tag? The wiki simply says that it's Japanese onomatopoeia for spreading something, but people are adding it to posts where there are no onomatopoeia at all (e.g. post #2477135, post #2444807, post #2439921). Isn't spread_pussy sufficient?

Looking at the pictures tagged kupaa, it seems that the tag is being used for the specific case where people are spreading a pussy (or something else, e.g. post #2348374) with their hands. I'd recommend spreading_pussy, spreading_cleavage or the generic spreading as a less cryptic alternative for that usage, if we want to adopt it officially.

kupaa is supposed to be for the sound effect, but Pixiv likes to use it for spread_pussy in general as well as gag posts like armpit spreading (post #1729085). Since くぱぁ is listed under both wikis, you have uploaders spamming both tags when it comes up under Translated Tags, because some people here perpetuate quantity over quality even if half the tags are wrong.

Really, taking くぱぁ off the kupaa wiki would stem the reckless usage, and leave the tag for those that recognize the effect.

Hillside_Moose said:

kupaa is supposed to be for the sound effect, but Pixiv likes to use it for spread_pussy in general as well as gag posts like armpit spreading (post #1729085). Since くぱぁ is listed under both wikis, you have uploaders spamming both tags when it comes up under Translated Tags, because some people here perpetuate quantity over quality even if half the tags are wrong.

Really, taking くぱぁ off the kupaa wiki would stem the reckless usage, and leave the tag for those that recognize the effect.

I'd be up for that solution on this and a few other tags. Some users seem to think Translated Tags should always be used because they see them at all, regardless of whether the tags actually apply to the upload under Danbooru's usage of them.

It's annoying to see, because all that's needed is some minor observation from the uploader/tagger to see if those tags should be used or not.

Hillside_Moose said:

Really, taking くぱぁ off the kupaa wiki would stem the reckless usage, and leave the tag for those that recognize the effect.

Since there has been some support and no opposition to this idea, I'll do that.