
Tag Change Suggestion: reverse_trap -> dansou_no_reijin

Posted under Tags

Just randomly came across the 'otoko_no_ko' tag as a replacement for the 'trap' tag and when following related tags I had found 'reverse_trap' to still be a tag. When I thought about for egalitarian purposes why not make the suggested tag with 'reverse_trap' aliased to 'dansou_no_reiji'.

It's not a big thing but something to think about. Of course this may take time to get a rewrite for that wiki but I think it'd be a nice touch to have both genders having a bit less troublesome implications for the concept.

Looked up the term and I got myself a TV historical drama. Is this the right term? I wouldn't alias it because it doesn't really click as well as otoko no ko.

And what does that post have to do with anything?

NeverGonnaGive said:

create alias reverse_trap -> dansou_no_reiji

Link to request

post #106903

-1, besides the obvious fact that you've misspelled the term (reijin, not reiji), just looking around at the term's usage (such as on pixiv) suggests it's not really what we're looking for. There are just as many images of obvious female characters in male-ish or pantsuit/pantsuit-like outfits as there are of characters that we can't necessarily determine the gender of.

The fatal flaw with that term is frankly right there in its own translation (going by our wiki), which is "A beautiful woman disguised as a man". The fact that it emphasizes "beautiful woman" means the tag honestly doesn't mean the same thing as what reverse trap is for.

Well, count me stupid on multiple fronts. What's the "term #0000" format for forum posts, since I had meant to link the OP here. Elsewise, I had run across some comment lamenting the aliasing of trap, and recalled that nothing ever came of aliasing reverse_trap to something. As I no squat useful of Japanese, just went by the OP's suggestion.

feline_lump said:

There are some people using "onna no ko" (雄んなの子 or 女の息子) to describe this concept, but there's no exact consensus.

I believe those do have the same meaning as the english term reverse trap. But using onna_no_ko as the tag on Danbooru is problematic because when romanized "onna no ko" just means "girl", you need the kanji in the original to preserve the "reverse trap" meaning.

otoko_no_ko has this same problem, but at least 男の娘 is a well known term - 雄んなの子 and 女の息子 are obscure at best so people will be confused more with onna_no_ko than with otoko_no_ko.