
Tag Alias: pinstripe -> pinstripes -> pinstripe_pattern?

Posted under General

pinstripes -> pinstripe -> pinstripe_pattern

Tag Implication:
pinstripe pattern -> pinstriped_suit

Still a bit confused by the terms, so I hope I got it right.
Previously the term 'pinstripe/s' including suit, was on pics 3 times, so I merged them together under one tag. And it seems people are more likely to use pinstripe/s, I just wanted to be specific about it since it doesn't always mean clothing.

So does the implication make sense?

Updated by jxh2154

Did the aliases. Though we could reverse them to pinstripes instead, to go with some of our other pattern tags. But either works.

As for the implication, I think you mean the other way around, right? Not all pinstripe patterns are on pinstripe suits.