๐ŸŽ‰ Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! ๐ŸŽ‰

Rework sexual stealth_X tags

Posted under General

At the moment, we have the stealth_sex tag, which is an umbrella tag for any sex act discreetly done in the presence of people, and we have various stealth_X tags for sex acts, but we don't have any stealth_X tags that imply the stealth_sex umbrella tag, so we should imply (or maybe alias) all the stealth_X sex act tags to stealth_sex.

I've made two BURs (one for the imply option and the other for the alias option)

Also, the only stealth_X tag that implies X is stealth_masturbation so both BURs have a solution for that too.


BUR #12118 has been rejected.

create implication stealth_fellatio -> fellatio
create implication stealth_handjob -> handjob
create implication stealth_cunnilingus -> cunnilingus
create implication stealth_paizuri -> paizuri
create implication stealth_masturbation -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_fellatio -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_handjob -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_cunnilingus -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_paizuri -> stealth_sex


  • Better for users with a tag limit of 2
  • Allows users to find posts where one subject is doing a stealthy sex act while another subject is doing a sex act, but not stealthily (I wasn't able to find any examples of this)

BUR #12119 has been rejected.

create alias stealth_masturbation -> stealth_sex
create alias stealth_fellatio -> stealth_sex
create alias stealth_handjob -> stealth_sex
create alias stealth_cunnilingus -> stealth_sex
create alias stealth_paizuri -> stealth_sex

Under this system, something like stealth_masturbation can be found with a search for "stealth_sex masturbation".


  • We don't need to create a stealth_X tag for every sex act
  • Reduces number of tags on a post
  • Solves to issue of not being able to create a tag for stealthy sex

Also, we might want to remove the aliases later to prevent searches from getting bogged up, but I left that out so that the BUR wouldn't get hung up on that detail.

BUR edit: I gardened the posts in "stealth_X -X" searches by hand, so I've removed the "mass update stealth_X -> X" from the BUR.


Danboour has a rather strict definition of the word (and tag) sex. Even a rather liberal interpretation of the word would not include masturbation.

Im not opposed to an umbrella tag but someone will need to think of a better word for it.

ion288 said:

Danboour has a rather strict definition of the word (and tag) sex. Even a rather liberal interpretation of the word would not include masturbation.

Im not opposed to an umbrella tag but someone will need to think of a better word for it.

I tried to rename the tag in topic #21990, but people didn't seem to like that idea.

Yes, but clothed sex isnt an umbrella tag and it doesnt include masturbation.

According to the clothed_sex wiki it can be used for "any sex act, not just intercourse" and masturbation is on that list of sex acts, so while some users may make a distinction between masturbation and other sex acts, there doesn't seem to be any consensus that there actually is a distinction.

I wouldn't be opposed to adding an "any sex act except masturbation" clause to all the *_sex wikis that say they're for all sex acts, but that would probably need to be done in a new topic.

My take is that any sexual act that involves at least another partner could pass more easily as stealth_sex. I know that stealth_masturbation is obviously of a sexual nature, but I think there hasn't been a consensus due to this.

A similar example could be that an image of only one person masturbating wearing clothes and then someone tags it with clothed_sex. There will be some specific cases in which stealth_masturbation may go with stealth_sex as some sort of foreplay, but in most cases of only one person, it would just be public_indecency at most.

BUR #12243 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication stealth_fellatio -> fellatio
create implication stealth_handjob -> handjob
create implication stealth_cunnilingus -> cunnilingus
create implication stealth_paizuri -> paizuri
create implication stealth_fellatio -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_handjob -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_cunnilingus -> stealth_sex
create implication stealth_paizuri -> stealth_sex

+ Add a clause to the stealth_sex wiki that says some thing like "This tag is only for stealthy sex acts that involve two or more parties."

Third option based on ion288 and papajohn's feedback that excludes the implication of stealth_masturbation -> stealth_sex. This would put the tag in line with many of the other X_sex tags which, for the most part, don't include posts with solo masturbation (despite not mentioning anything about that in their wikis).

I'd also suggest that we should update the other similar X_sex wikis with a similar clause, but that kinda falls outside the scope of this topic.

Although I feel like the alias BUR made the most sense and kept the stealth_sex tag consistent with the other similar X_sex tags which don't have corresponding X_[SEX ACT] tags (i.e. there's not clothed_fellatio tag), it was very unpopular so BUR rejected.
I'll probably leave the other two up for a bit more time as they both seem to have a good amount of support.