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Chin touching tags are a mess

Posted under General

Or at least, there are a lot of small, subjectively named tags that ought to be aliased and/or cleaned out.

hand on own chin (5.3k posts)
hand on another's chin (1.4k posts)
chin grab (1.4k posts)
finger to own chin (1.2k posts)
chin stroking (799 posts)
chin tickle (176 posts)
finger to another's chin (97 posts)
chin hold (89 posts)
fingers to chin (88 posts)
touching another's chin (60 posts)
chin lift (39 posts)
scratching chin (29 posts)
thumb to chin (16 posts)
wiping chin (12 posts)

There are a few issues here. Some of the tags that have wikis, and their usage patterns, make it clear that many people would like to distinguish between a person touching their own chin and touching someone else's chin, but the tag names themselves usually fail to convey that. And it's in the eye of the beholder what action is taking place with a chin.

My personal opinion is that finger to another's chin, finger to own chin, hand to another's chin, and hand to own chin (as mentioned somewhat recently in topic #17759) are the least subjective tag names among these, and the others should be done away with.

chin grab and chin stroking are common, but if we leave them be, it seems like they might just encourage people to keep creating new tags for related actions they don't want to describe as a "grabbing" or "stroking."

A 9-year-old discussion along the same lines that didn't seem to resolve anything: topic #7809


We don't need a distinction between thumb and finger on danbooru. But yes, most of these can pretty much be nuked/aliased to the bigger ones. The only real distinction we need is between own and others.

Not much discussion, so rather than push my own opinion that we shouldn't be tagging verbs, here's a conservative proposal to empty every tag I mentioned that has fewer posts than chin stroking (aside from finger to another's chin, which parallels several other finger_to_another's_* and finger_to_own_* tags):

Define chin_grab on the wiki as "A character touching another character's chin, or more generally the underside of the bottom jaw, with the apparent intent to move, immobilize, or express control of it."
Alias chin_hold and chin_lift to chin_grab, and imply chin_grab to hand_on_another's_chin.

Define chin_stroking on the wiki as "A character touching another their own or character's chin, or more generally the underside of the bottom jaw, in a manner that is affectionate, thoughtful, or otherwise not more accurately described as a chin grab."
Alias chin_tickle to chin_stroking.

Finally, I'll manually go through every post in every tag not aliased away, and replace that tag with whatever the most appropriate tags are for that post: chin_grab, chin_stroking, hand_to_*_chin, finger_to_*_chin, or possibly head rest.

Any thoughts or objections? If not I'll submit a BUR.

nonamethanks said:

I think the first two and chin grab should be aliased to grabbing another's chin instead.

Edited my BUR. Only reason I didn't propose that myself was because I didn't want to start an argument over tag names without anyone else expressing dissatisfaction with the current ones. Top priority here is to get rid of the smallest, most redundant tags.

Along the same lines, maybe chin stroking ought to become stroking own chin, and chin tickle renamed stroking another's chin instead of aliased away. If that were done, I'll need to comb through the two tags afterwards to make sure the correct one is being used on posts, but they're a manageable size to be cleaned up by hand.

7HS said:

Along the same lines, maybe chin stroking ought to become stroking own chin, and chin tickle renamed stroking another's chin instead of aliased away. If that were done, I'll need to comb through the two tags afterwards to make sure the correct one is being used on posts, but they're a manageable size to be cleaned up by hand.

I would prefer this. Thoughtfully stroking your own chin and tickling someone else beneath the chin are two different things. Although really, I don't have a problem with chin tickle, it's not like you can really tickle your own chin.

hand on own chin (5.3k posts)
hand on another's chin (1.4k posts)
chin grab (1.4k posts)
finger to own chin (1.2k posts)
chin stroking (799 posts)
chin tickle (176 posts)
finger to another's chin (97 posts)
chin hold (89 posts)
fingers to chin (88 posts)
touching another's chin (60 posts)
chin lift (39 posts)
scratching chin (29 posts)
thumb to chin (16 posts)
wiping chin (12 posts).

I consolidated most of these smaller tags to hand on own chin or hand on another's chin.