A duel monster from Yu-Gi-Oh! Ecclesia is one of the protagonists of the Abyss Storyline alongside Albaz. Looks up to Fleurdelis as her idol. She wields a large war hammer in combat. Her hairstyle changes over the course of the story to show her development.
One of her defining characteristics is that she's the type to eat big meals. With a popular running gag within the Yu-Gi-Oh! fanbase revolves around her trying to eat anything that remotely looks like a food, including other duel monsters. This has reached the point that a Pixiv tag "ごはんはたくさんたべるタイプ" ("a type to eat big meals") was dedicated to her.
This tag has become so memetic, the concept artist for Live Twin Lil-la Treat references it in a conversation between Lil-la and Ki-sikil.
The following tags implicate this tag: blazing_cartesia_the_virtuous, dogmatika_ecclesia_the_virtuous, and incredible_ecclesia_the_virtuous (learn more).