Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Magia Damage Up [V / 15%] & Accele MP Gain Up [IV / 17.5%] Description (JP): 時を越え、国を越えて対面するふたりの少女 彼女たちの背中には、一族の業が重くのしかかる だからこそ惹かれ合ったのか、それとも因果のもつれなのか いずれにせよ、この出会いは激しく鮮烈な光彩を放ち、周囲を照らす Description (ENG): Two girls face each other across time and across countries. Their family's karma weighs heavily on their backs. Is this why they were drawn to each other, or is it a tangle of causes and effects? Either way, this encounter shines with an intense and vivid light, illuminating the world around them.