It's really saddening that the artist is wasting their talent creating shitty pony crossovers rather than doing original Touhou works that everyone can enjoy.
lordoflord said: It's really saddening that the artist is wasting their talent creating shitty pony crossovers rather than doing original Touhou works that everyone can enjoy.
Big tired sigh.
What you are basically saying "The artist should stop drawing subject matter I don't like and start drawing subject matter I do like."
lordoflord said: "The artist should stop drawing subject matter that kindles to a select number of people and start drawing subject matter that can cater to everyone"
Cause all I see the artist doing is making endless and overdone horse crossovers that can only probably appeal to horse fans. It's boring.
I didn't know that fanartists were trying to appeal and cater to everyone. I'll have to ask the people I know if that's what they're trying to do...
I've seen a lot of this guy's work and it's pretty good. If you find it boring, ask or commission the guy to do something you want him to draw. Otherwise the guy's just going to do what he wants to do.
Of course, the best thing you could do if you don't like something is to just be quiet about it. If you don't like it, don't let the rest of us know.
The earlier ponies were better. The artist should've considered the angle of which you view her... if you picture both of her eyes at the same time, it looks kinda weird.
Still, flagging this for "low quality" is ridiculous.
That's pretty silly. As been said, fanart caters to specific audiences and the artist is not required to do cater to the interests of anyone else. You can easily request or commission the artist to do something more to your likes if they're willing to accept the offer; or you can just ignore this picture and move on.
It's no different from someone complaining about an artist that mostly draws Touhou fanart.
lordoflord said: "The artist should stop drawing subject matter that kindles to a select number of people and start drawing subject matter that can cater to everyone"
What a joke, I can say exactly the same thing to many great artists that have been focusing on Touhou. Are imizu, rapattu, sk-ii, chado, minato hitori, fuantei boring too? Their works are only appeal to Touhou fans.
lily_white said: There's no such thing as quality art on Danbooru in the first place; half the people here just come to be creepy about the porn of their waifus.
lily_white said: There's no such thing as quality art on Danbooru in the first place; half the people here just come to be creepy about the porn of their waifus.
Not sure how I ended up here, then. Yeah, I like me some mofu, but I'm still here because I don't have to wade through as much crap to find beautiful images.
Oh my god! What is that? Pony? This is so disgrateful, egregious, and even barbaric! A gentleman such as myself cannot stand for such unfathomable and horrible effigy! Quick, I must be expeditious, and let the whole Internet knows of my haughtiness toward this effigy of a made-up pony! Owing to the fact that Internet deeply cares for my assessment, I must swiftly commit to paper my bottomless disdain for this picture, disregarding the fait accompli that, in exactness, nonentity holds any consideration for my point of view!
Contrary to what you may believe, Touhou is still quite a niche interest, and will never have wide interest. I would even venture to say MLP has a wider audience, since it was made with young children as it's main audience in mind.
With that, if the artist chooses to draw ponies with Touhou crossovers, that is in her rights to do so, and you have no place to dictate what she can or cannot do. And why would every artist have to do Touhou? What's the difference between a artist doing endless Touhou crossovers vs someone doing endless Pony crossovers? So because one fits your interest, it should be more acceptable?
If it riles you up so much, why don't you learn how to draw. Then you can draw all the crappy Touhou fanart to your liking that everyone will promptly ignore.
Pickie said: If it riles you up so much, why don't you learn how to draw. Then you can draw all the crappy Touhou fanart to your liking that everyone will promptly ignore.
Sigh, that's what I hate about this..."pony war" Each side start to be aggressive.
Kironasake said: Sigh, that's what I hate about this..."pony war" Each side start to be aggressive.
I'll admit that was unnecessary, but bitching about liking things he/she doesn't like, and saying they should just stop drawing them is idiotic.
Also I'm on neither side of the Touhou/Pony wars. Between the two, I like Touhou, and I know very little about Ponies, only a few details from the "".mov series.
Gollgagh said: I like both, which makes it consternating to me that they can't get along.
Oh I'm sure your average joe that watches/looks at one or the other would get along with another person. But....fanboys. They tend to kind of ruin everything.
THE_GREAT_EQUINOX said: This situation is golden. I look at the pony side and see that they're still as hateful and aggressive as ever. My expectations were not let down.
Do you really have a right to say that?
THE_GREAT_EQUINOX said on post #1126886: Oh my god, I have the urge to get a gun and put it out of its misery. It looks like a bald troll baby. Oh fuck I feel so sorry for it. It's so fucking ugly.