For those who are unaware, Oscar, the Knight of Astora, is known for his use of the following equipment:
*Elite Knight set
*Astora's Straight Sword
*Crest Shield
If a character in a Dark Souls picture has that COMPLETE set of arms and armour, feel free to put in the tag. Now...
cubey said:
post #1140677
This one is hard to tell since we can't see the design on the front of the shield. The shape is that of the Crest Shield, no doubt about it. The only thing that doesn't strike me as a part of Oscar's equipment is the quiver of arrows on the character's waist.
cubey said:
post #1361388
Yup, that is definitely not Oscar. The Silver Knight Shield is not a part of his armaments.
cubey said:
post #1337277
That does look like Oscar, although some would debate that he wouldn't look up Priscilla's skirt. I'd leave this one up for the "tag what you see" rule here. The armour set is stock for Oscar, but the hilt of the blade suggests one of two things: it is not the Straight Sword of Astora, or it is an error of detail by the artist. There is also the matter of the design of the shield resembling that of the Dragon Crest Shield. Unless the artist has specified that the character in their picture IS Oscar, I'd remove the tag for the time being.
cubey said:
post #1069846
Another hard one to tell, but it does look like Oscar. It is the same issue as the first example with the shield being hard to identify. Aside from that, it would be safe to assume that the black knight is fighting Oscar.
Log said:
protagonist_(dark_souls) would probably be the only option.
That may be a difficult tag to manage since the protagonist of Dark Souls is us and everyone, meaning it wears different armour, uses different weapons, miracles, sorceries, and pyromancy. The design of the protagonist is not set in stone for everyone plays differently (unless you run a Giant Dad build).