Only 10 minutes and the alias is already in place. Did albert create it or is it a bug that members can create alias?
E: submited a ticket.
Posted under General
Updated by Sal.N
Since culture_japan is being used now, is there a way to change the color of the tag (from general tag to copyright tag)? I've tried copyright:culture_japan but it has no effect.
If it's already changed, then I'm not seeing it.
EDIT: Never mind, I'm seeing the changes; I guess it takes a little while to apply.
I changed that tag to copyright manually in the Tags index.
New tags not inheriting tag type after aliasing is a known bug. This had been discussed in 3 different github issues (latest one: 1228) and is still waiting to be fixed. This is a confirmation that it affects not only artist type but copyright type (and presumably character type) as well.