
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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nonamethanks said:

The recommended page should be accessible by anyone now.

Nice! I can confirm it's working now on my end. It's a nice feature to have here, and was looking forward to seeing it in action.

CodeKyuubi said:

The Similar button does not work for the base pixiv page of an artist (https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=xxxxxx).

Well yeah, that's normal. What were you expecting?

c933103 said:

Currently danbooru have a tag blacklisting feature. Is it possible to also implement a whitelisting one?

A barebone one is already implemented, as the reverse of a blacklist.

For example using "-rating:s" in the blacklist box will hide anything that is not rating:s.

nonamethanks said:

Well yeah, that's normal. What were you expecting?

A barebone one is already implemented, as the reverse of a blacklist.

For example using "-rating:s" in the blacklist box will hide anything that is not rating:s.

That isn't normal though. You used to be able to press the Find Artist button with the base page and retrieve the artist name.

You couldn't do it with their illustrations base page (https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=xxxx), but you could do it with their pixiv home page (https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=xxxx).

CodeKyuubi said:

That isn't normal though. You used to be able to press the Find Artist button with the base page and retrieve the artist name.

You couldn't do it with their illustrations base page (https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=xxxx), but you could do it with their pixiv home page (https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=xxxx).

Ah, I see what you mean. That probably wasn't the intended usage of the button, you're supposed to search for that url in the artists page instead.

nanami said:

I've been noticing this for some time now, but is there a problem with Font Awesome access? I'm seeing boxes instead of icons.

Something about the FontAwesome inclusion on Danbooru was changed. I had to allow CSS from use.fontawesome.com to make the icons show up again because I had uMatrix blocking it.

kittey said:

Something about the FontAwesome inclusion on Danbooru was changed. I had to allow CSS from use.fontawesome.com to make the icons show up again because I had uMatrix blocking it.

How do you do that? I've tried the CSS import function and it didn't work.

nanami said:

How do you do that? I've tried the CSS import function and it didn't work.

Do what? Allow CSS from use.fontawesome.com? Depends on what kind of browser security extension you have that’s blocking it. I use uMatrix, so I unblocked it there. I guess you don’t have uMatrix because Danbooru is unusable if you don’t know how to set it up. If you have some other security extension, look up how to configure it. If you don’t have any security extension like that, it should be working already. Otherwise, it’s a different problem and I can’t help you. Sorry.

kittey said:

Do what? Allow CSS from use.fontawesome.com? Depends on what kind of browser security extension you have that’s blocking it. I use uMatrix, so I unblocked it there. I guess you don’t have uMatrix because Danbooru is unusable if you don’t know how to set it up. If you have some other security extension, look up how to configure it. If you don’t have any security extension like that, it should be working already. Otherwise, it’s a different problem and I can’t help you. Sorry.

Must be that "different problem." I don't use a security extension on Chrome, which I now use. BTW, this problem also happens when using Chrome on mobile (both iOS and Android).

It's a very minor issue, but I think the minimum number of uploads for the top tagger report on isshiki (https://isshiki.donmai.us/user-reports/taggers/) is actually 51, not 50. I have uploaded 50 images in the last 30 days but am not on the list, whereas those who have uploaded 51 images are on there. Looking back I couldn't see any times in the past when people have been included in the list with precisely 50 uploads.

The comments one also seems to have a minimum count of 11, not the stated 10.

skylightcrystal said:

It's a very minor issue, but I think the minimum number of uploads for the top tagger report on isshiki (https://isshiki.donmai.us/user-reports/taggers/) is actually 51, not 50. I have uploaded 50 images in the last 30 days but am not on the list, whereas those who have uploaded 51 images are on there. Looking back I couldn't see any times in the past when people have been included in the list with precisely 50 uploads.

The comments one also seems to have a minimum count of 11, not the stated 10.

Created Reportbooru/issue 23.