
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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I apologize if this has been mentioned, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere: I'm using Chrome on a couple Android mobile devices, and swiping to the left or right no longer cycles through pages of a search or back to a search from an individual image page.
This change seemed to happen about a week ago, but I'm not confident on the date. Is there anything I can do about that? I've really enjoyed that feature.

@iniquity said:

I apologize if this has been mentioned, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere: I'm using Chrome on a couple Android mobile devices, and swiping to the left or right no longer cycles through pages of a search or back to a search from an individual image page.
This change seemed to happen about a week ago, but I'm not confident on the date. Is there anything I can do about that? I've really enjoyed that feature.

You may need to flip "Disable mobile gestures" setting in My Account → Settings → Advanced.

Brightlight said:

You may need to flip "Disable mobile gestures" setting in My Account → Settings → Advanced.

Thank you for responding!

I had already tried that, but I went ahead and tried it again on your advice. Sadly, it didn't change anything...

iniquity said:

I apologize if this has been mentioned, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere: I'm using Chrome on a couple Android mobile devices, and swiping to the left or right no longer cycles through pages of a search or back to a search from an individual image page.
This change seemed to happen about a week ago, but I'm not confident on the date. Is there anything I can do about that? I've really enjoyed that feature.

I'm not sure why, but this issue appears to have been resolved on all of my devices both logged in and out.

upload #1849878 (link) - instead of the duplicate message, I got this error:

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised

No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"posts", :id=>nil}, possible unmatched constraints: [:id]
app/views/uploads/show.html.erb:18:in `_app_views_uploads_show_html_erb__484499449667169998_47088179468540'

Hello, I've been trying to look for this by quite some time ago but, does someone know why underscores are appearing instead of spaces in names when you download certain images? newer uploads do not present this, but some older uploads do.

It might not be a problem but it´s there.

graiionn said:

Hello, I've been trying to look for this by quite some time ago but, does someone know why underscores are appearing instead of spaces in names when you download certain images? newer uploads do not present this, but some older uploads do.

It might not be a problem but it´s there.

Some examples would be helpful.

fossilnix said:

This isn't a big bug, but it's not currently possible to filter /uploads to posts uploaded with a blank source field. Leaving the "Source" field blank while performing a search is understood by the software as not using that field. Clicking the "»" by a "Source: none" post goes to https://danbooru.donmai.us/uploads?search[source_matches]=, which automatically redirects to showing all uploads as well.

If you want to make all the programmers cry, try this.

fossilnix said:

This isn't a big bug, but it's not currently possible to filter /uploads to posts uploaded with a blank source field. Leaving the "Source" field blank while performing a search is understood by the software as not using that field. Clicking the "»" by a "Source: none" post goes to https://danbooru.donmai.us/uploads?search[source_matches]=, which automatically redirects to showing all uploads as well.

Putting source:none in the Post Tags field seems to work just fine.

RaisingK said:

Putting source:none in the Post Tags field seems to work just fine.

That gets you all posts that have no source now, but not all posts that were uploaded with no source. Feeding a zero byte to the source field seems to get all posts uploaded with no source, independent of whether or not they have a source now.

kittey said:

That gets you all posts that have no source now, but not all posts that were uploaded with no source. Feeding a zero byte to the source field seems to get all posts uploaded with no source, independent of whether or not they have a source now.

Maybe the easiest/best solution would be to have a checkbox to select the empty source option. Otherwise, I can't really think of a good solution, as having an empty input is a valid option that tells the server that that option isn't being used.

Ah, no, seems like I've encountered somewhat of a blunder.

If I try to use the official Danbooru Bookmarklet, I got the error message saying:

Error page said:

NoMethodError exception raised
undefined method `sub!' for nil:NilClass
app/logical/downloads/rewrite_strategies/tumblr.rb:57:in `rewrite_cdn'
app/logical/downloads/rewrite_strategies/tumblr.rb:11:in `rewrite'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:48:in `block in before_download'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:47:in `each'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:47:in `before_download'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:10:in `new'

This only happens if I use Post to Danbooru. If I use Batch to Danbooru, there is no problem.

inkuJerr said:

Ah, no, seems like I've encountered somewhat of a blunder.

If I try to use the official Danbooru Bookmarklet, I got the error message saying:

This only happens if I use Post to Danbooru. If I use Batch to Danbooru, there is no problem.

Opened issue #3721 because I'm getting the same.