
Unicode Tags

Posted under General

I ran a few tests on the tag listing with Excel to know the frequency of each character, as well as how many posts they appear in with said character: http://paste2.org/p/3032654

Since there are a few character with really low counts, might it be an idea to rid of them and streamline it to the more common ones, or at least Latin 1? Here's a list of the tags (with 2 or more posts) that have those characters ($ and below): http://paste2.org/p/3032729

With the exception of , they neither reoccur very often or have many posts. Unless you'd prefer to do the opposite and correct all the other tags that should include those characters, it'd be more efficient to just correct these ones. There's plenty more tags with odd characters, these are just the ones with 2 or most posts.

If you disagree, let us at least correct the tags with blank characters.
