
Uploaded image feedback

Posted under General

Is there some way to get feedback from the community for one's uploads aside from a generic integer representing its 'Score' or posting comments on images? In other words, is there a thread or some place on Danbooru where I could/should post images and have members give their thoughts as to why it's got a negative score, or why it's questionable content, etc.? I see a deletion appeal and deletion request thread floating around, but not a content feedback thread like what I described.

I personally could really use this because while the vast majority of my uploaded images get approved, I frequently see negative scores even on content that I believe unquestionably meets the Danbooru standards for quality. I can't possibly be the only one out there who would like feedback on posts to improve my eye for art good enough for this image database.

There's a deletion justification thread somewhere, I forget what it's exactly called and responses aren't 100%.

If you really require feedback you (and you alone) can message me once a week with some images you have questions about and I can try to help.

Log said:
There's a deletion justification thread somewhere, I forget what it's exactly called and responses aren't 100%.

If you really require feedback you (and you alone) can message me once a week with some images you have questions about and I can try to help.

Thank you, good to know that those options are there. I still think it would be best to have this as a thread so everyone could chip in, but I don't know how the rest of the community feels about it. I'll see if anyone else responds.

ghostrigger said:
log was probably speaking of this thread .

I think that thread's what I am looking for, thanks.

Does anyone else think a thread like that should be stickied so everyone who comes to the forums can see it, or would it not be worth stickying? I saw that glasnost was worried that newer uploaders wouldn't see it amongst all the stickies...but I don't see that many stickies now to be honest, so why not sticky it and maybe change the title back to "Upload Feedback Thread"?

Kakyoin01 said:
Does anyone else think a thread like that should be stickied so everyone who comes to the forums can see it, or would it not be worth stickying?

a similar request was made before as covered in forum_topics #8619

the feedback thread practically died down. however if a particular mod offered you help, i think that's the best option you got.