
Tag Alias: kirigami -> paper_cutout_(medium)

Posted under General

Hillside_Moose said:
If it's a Japanese art style, then we stick with their terms.

Paper cutting is "something Japanese people also do", not "a Japanese art style".

Also, I can easily see people misusing the tag to include paper children as well, which makes the tag useless.

I think the more important question is are they really something that shouldn't be included? The tag doesn't become useless by being applied more correctly.

I think that calling this tag kirigami in the first place is a misnomer. According to this and this, kirigami is for cutting and folding paper like origami, while kirie is a more general term for papercutting.

That would make most of the posts we currently have tagged as kirigami actually kirie, and checking their Pixiv tags confirms this - I can't find one tagged kirigami (切り紙 ), but every one that I checked is tagged kirie (切り絵 ).

So kirigami should probably be aliased/moved to kirie or kirie_(medium).

Aliasing it to paper_cutout_(medium) instead might help to avoid language confusions like this, but I'm not sure if kirie and paper cutouts are exactly the same.

Hillside_Moose said:
Also, I can easily see people misusing the tag to include paper children as well, which makes the tag useless.

DschingisKhan said:
I think the more important question is are they really something that shouldn't be included? The tag doesn't become useless by being applied more correctly.

The paper child and kirie tags on Pixiv don't seem to be used together except for a very small percentage of images, which tells me that paper children are not kirie and should not fall under the same tag.
If there's an English term that is used the same way as kirie I would say we use that, but I doubt there is one.

Toks said:
So kirigami should probably be aliased/moved to kirie or kirie_(medium).

The latter may be acceptable, though I feel it's not especially necessary.

If there's an English term that is used the same way as kirie I would say we use that, but I doubt there is one.

In general, when we refer to paper cutting as a medium, we're talking about the two-dimensional version, so for our purposes I see little issue with explicitly defining it as such. If you're looking for the three-dimensional version, try paper sculpture or papercraft (the latter of which we already have).

Although, thinking further, I would prefer we avoid creating a false dichotomy where paper is the medium in several tags, but they aren't united under a single umbrella.