Tag Alias/Correction: sandaime_muramasa -> sansei_muramasa
Relatedly, Tag Alias/Correction: nidaime_muramasa -> nisei_muramasa
Reason: It's been incorrectly translated for a long time now.
Updated by jxh2154
Posted under General
Tag Alias/Correction: sandaime_muramasa -> sansei_muramasa
Relatedly, Tag Alias/Correction: nidaime_muramasa -> nisei_muramasa
Reason: It's been incorrectly translated for a long time now.
Updated by jxh2154
Sure. Sorry. Here's the simplest official source of Sansei, the pixiv encyclopedia entry for her: http://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E4%B8%89%E4%B8%96%E6%9D%91%E6%AD%A3
On multiple official Japanese pages, her name is Sansei when written in hiragana. It seems some translator went with Sandaime however long ago and English speakers just ran with it.