These two pools were made to hold the pages of two of ichimi's comics. However, he also does drawings based on the characters and outfits that appear in the comic, and these get added to the pools too. Am I correct in assuming that's not how pools are meant to be used, in that you're not supposed to simply throw in every picture related to the comic?
While I'm at it, pool #2832 - Petit Satorin is a bit of an oddity - it started as a collection of images, and partway through became a pool for a comic ichimi started featuring the eponymous chibi. Should this be split into two pools, one for the collection, and another for the comic?
No they shouldn't be added, they're just ichimi chibi flandre_scarlet -comic and mostly unrelated to the comic itself. The ones that are related to the comic don't fit between page of the comic.
The purpose of Danbooru's pools isn't to mimic Pixiv, though. He created art of the outfits and pairings in his comics, but that doesn't mean we pool them with the comics. They're treated as standalone pieces because they're exactly that.
Arrei said: The purpose of Danbooru's pools isn't to mimic Pixiv, though. He created art of the outfits and pairings in his comics, but that doesn't mean we pool them with the comics. They're treated as standalone pieces because they're exactly that.
The thing is there's 1023 images on pixiv tagged tako. Subtract 763 from 1023 and you get 260. Divide that by 20 posts per page and it tells you it should appear 13 pages from the most current image. What do you know, right there in the middle of page 13, this image.
Perhaps he was trying to make a pun either way it still shows ichimi titles don't constitute parts of a comic.
Log said: Perhaps he was trying to make a pun either way it still shows ichimi titles don't constitute parts of a comic.
It's rather sad to take something that was never a part of a comic/serie as an example of such.
Ichimi as a respectable artist has tags for his own series, like Chibi Flan (even though this isn't a very original title as it leaves 136 exact search results) as the most recent example. As you see, nearly every Ichimi's upload, be it a single Chibi Flan image or a comic released, has a consecutive number attached, meaning that every single one of them is a part of his series. The only Ichimi's arts without a number, but with a Chibi Flan in it are either:
Promotional covers of a release on some comic markets or something alike
Mixed series
I do think that the numbering was meant to keep them together and an argument of:
Arrei said: The purpose of Danbooru's pools isn't to mimic Pixiv, though.
comes to contradiction with that it's the artist himself who decided to keep them like they are. Especially since it's up to a description of a pool to determine how it's organized. And none of the three pools mentioned in this thread were meant for comics only.
There hardly is any golden point here, so I would like to suggest a slightly wicked solution: Keep all the serie related images (be it a comic or just an image) together in the pool, BUT to have them in the order of comics in the front, spare images only behind the comics. This will keep the images together, but won't interfere with the comics. I know it's not a perfect idea, that's just how I'd see it.
That's the thing about Danbooru pools not being here to mimic Pixiv. The artist decided to number and tag them together for his own organization, but Danbooru doesn't organize things that way. The standalone images are clearly separate from comic pages, and belong in their own pools if they are considered poolable - and they're not, in this case, again because Danbooru doesn't simply mimic Pixiv and there's no reason to pool all of an artist's otherwise unrelated renditions of a character just because he numbered and tagged them together.
The only one I'm muddled on is Petit Satorin, because some of those images do have sequential order, and that pool actually began as a pool of pictures and later had comics for it. So I'd say that one should be split into two pools, one for the pictures and one for the comic.
I can see the reasoning for the other 2 pools. But for Petite Satorin, I'm going to have to say we should leave it as 1 pool since the comics are a direct tie-in to the stand-alone pictures.
Direct tie-in? I'm not so sure. You go from a number of images of mini-Satori doing things, to Utsuho finding a mini-Satori somewhere and taking it home. A few images reference events in the comic, such as mini-Satori getting a tiny Koishi hat, but that's exactly the same as the standalone images featuring outfits and pairings from the other pools.
Looking at the non-comic images within, some of them aren't even sequential. And they're as unrelated to the comic's plot as the other pools. But the difference here is, enough of the images do appear to at least be related enough to warrant being pooled as a collection of sequences of events. But the comic certainly warrants being given its own pool.
Granted, considering the two pools would have the same name due to ichimi's naming habits, simply re-organizing the pool to keep comic pages and images separate could be just as effective.