
Tag Alias: a_master_is_out -> peeking

Posted under General

Aliasing a_master_is_out -> peeking.

As far as I can tell, none of the images with this tag are actually referencing the meme. It's just people peeking around corners.

Some of the other meme tags have similar problems, although not as badly. People seem to add tags for things that they think are amusing to compare to the meme, rather than things that actually contain the meme.

Updated by Cyberia-Mix

Let's revive this discussion - I like the idea of changing this to a normal, non-meme tag but as s1eth points out, corner sounds a bit weird for trees and such.

Perhaps we should alias it to something else and implicate that to peeking?

Hm.... I was kind of wondering on this tag; guess I don't know the meme. I think that's kind of the point of changing it though. As far as the suggestions go I also like peeking_out or peering_out; also wouldn't mind peeking_around or peering_around either. But it's odd that it's still around.

My problem with "peek", "peer" and the like is that they imply the person is actually looking out from where they are hiding, which may not always be the case. What if they have their eyes completely closed?

DschingisKhan said:
Why would you poke your head out from what you're hiding_behind unless you're peeking_out?

I was just wondering if it might be something that denoted a particular expression a bit too much for a general tag, when really there's a range of expressions in the tag. I guess even if the eyes are closed, the intent is still to look, though, so my objection does seem rather silly...