
Tag implications: hair_ornament

Posted under General

Hair card only has 3 posts, I don't think that is enough to warrant giving it implications (also does that tag even need to exist?)

Before these implications should be made, I think it really depends on what is supposed to fall under the hair_ornament tag. While a hair_ribbon is a ornament of the hair, I do not believe that the hair_ornament tag was created to also include hair_ribbons but to tag non-ribbon hair ornaments like clips, flowers, etc. Hair_ribbon would also flood the tag, and more than double the pool of images under the ornament tag. Also I do not think hair_tie would fall under hair_ornament as well.

The hair_stick to stick implication seems to fall flat, as the stick tag covers something that is completely different from the hair_stick tag. You really should check what is under a tag before suggesting an implication, as it seems you're just going on the names of the tag.

The hair_comb to comb implication I think might need more discussing on if what falls under one should also fall under the other. Also at minimum the hair_comb tag looks like it might need to be gone through, as combs not in the hair and even hair brushes seem to have been tagged hair_comb.

This thread requesting so many implications has become quite complex, with all these replies and rebuttals. Maybe I'll reply to them all sometime in the future, maybe I'll just let people decide things by themselves.

NWF_Renim said:
The hair_stick to stick implication seems to fall flat, as the stick tag covers something that is completely different from the hair_stick tag. You really should check what is under a tag before suggesting an implication, as it seems you're just going on the names of the tag.

Yet, I'm going to reply to this one first.

No; stick covers various types of sticks, so my request is still valid, even if we want to keep these tags relatively unchanged. But, technically, this fact doesn't matter, as I could simply be requesting some change of usage.

That said, feel free to argue against these simple requests. Maybe we could even have a tag named "small branch", for the most intuitive type of stick.
