
sayuu_hanten vs 慧

Posted under General

We have an artist called sayuu_hanten (沙幽飯店), but as I was browsing his FC2 blog and pics, it seems that at least for a part of them the actual author is 慧, but not all of them have the signature. By casual browsing I wasn't able to determine if 沙幽飯店 is a circle and whether it has any more members. Does anyone know more, or have a link to a profile or something that would tell more than the profile sidebar on FC2? And how do we record 慧? Possible readings include Akira and Satoshi and a couple of others.

Updated by kristallimeri

According to toranoana 沙幽飯店 is the circle name and 慧 is the author:


It should be noted that some of the images on his/her site are collaborations, such as this one:


I added 'chink' to post #180374 since she already has an entry here and also a 'collaboration' tag. The other two weren't noteworthy enough for inclusion, judging by their work. Feel free to add them if you disagree.

As far as the reading goes... no idea.