
A glitch for the favorites?

Posted under General

I'm not sure if this is affecting others, but it would seem that upon attempting to enter my favorites as usual, I am instead shown all images instead of the ones that I have specifically favored. This was not how it was only just yesterday. If it is a problem on my end, then sorry for taking up your time and space.

EDIT: Is this affecting anyone else?

EDIT: I can access my regular favorites if I fastfav, however I still cannot just go to my regular favorites. Its still just showing every single post made on Danbooru. Does anyone have any idea what could be happening?

Updated by mortos333

I am witnessing the same problem here, that fastfav:azuretan returns my favourites in the order that I fav'd them and fav:azuretan returns all images.

(It helps to have more than one report of the problem. ;))

Azuretan said:
I am witnessing the same problem here, that fastfav:azuretan returns my favourites in the order that I fav'd them and fav:azuretan returns all images.

(It helps to have more than one report of the problem. ;))

Typing fastfav:user into the bar also seems to be broken, and I found that when you do it that way instead of clicking Favorites at the top (Which works), then your favorites get ordered based post order from newest to oldest.

I'm having the same problem as well. Except regardless of what I type in, (fastfav:Mista and fav:Mista). It just gives me pages full of images that don't belong in my favorites.

Please help! (><)

It happens to me when I add something onto my search, such as fav:blastech mecha or fastfav:blastech mecha. hitting the favorites button still brings me to my favorites list. typing in fav:blastech does give me just a list of images though.

blastech said: It happens to me when I add something onto my search, such as fav:blastech mecha

The reason it breaks is because the URL changes when you add another tag.

When you click the 'Favorites' link, it takes you to /favorite, which works. But if you add a tag to the box and do a search, it takes you to /post instead, which is currently broken when doing favorite searches.


Looks like although the fav and fastfav tags work now, you cannot add a second tag to the search without a failbooru, at least, that's what's happening to me.

Edit: So based on what Hinacle said, I tried some other searches, and they worked. Except when I try to fastfav:codekyuubi + katana, I get database time out, except when I do the same with + sword, I can see that there are katana tags in my favorites. Based on this, I conclude I have no idea what's going on.


CodeKyuubi said:
Looks like although the fav and fastfav tags work now, you cannot add a second tag to the search without a failbooru, at least, that's what's happening to me.

Searching either of them with multiple tags seems to work fine on my end.

CodeKyuubi said:
Looks like although the fav and fastfav tags work now, you cannot add a second tag to the search without a failbooru, at least, that's what's happening to me.

Edit: So based on what Hinacle said, I tried some other searches, and they worked. Except when I try to fastfav:codekyuubi + katana, I get database time out, except when I do the same with + sword, I can see that there are katana tags in my favorites. Based on this, I conclude I have no idea what's going on.

I tried those same searches on both danbooru and hijiribe and its the same for me. Although a fastfav + katana search did work on hijiribe earlier.

Normal fav search seems to work now, but doesn't show the favs from yesterday; probably before the changeset.

Hmm. For me, fav:nickname and fastfav:nickname display my favorites in upload order, while ordfav:nickname displays the entire database. Clicking "Favorites" in the navbar does display my favorites in the order I added them, though.