Implicating star_of_david -> hexagram.
Reason: The Star of David is a hexagram.
Updated by jxh2154
Posted under General
It doesn't matter too much to me if this is an implication or an alias. I leaned towards implication since star_of_david could be used for posts with clear religious imagery while hexagram is more general.
S1eth said:
Yes, but are they visibly distinct? At least not from the posts I saw on danbooru.
By itself, usually no, but it's possible to infer it from context. Other religions (and alchemy) do use hexagrams as well, and you don't want an alias to the Star of David if the hexagram is used, for example, in a clear Buddhist context, especially if swastikas are also involved.
There are also various other symbols, like the Anahata, that are also hexagrams but are visibly distinct from the Star of David.
As such, a hexagram is not necessarily a Star of David, and therefore an alias would be unsuitable.
S1eth said:
Yes, but are they visibly distinct? At least not from the posts I saw on danbooru.
The Star of David is associated with mysticism, and to an extent, magic rather heavily in various classical senses(Orthodox Jews reject its use for that reason) and a lot of magical symbols incorporate its more classic use within mysticism.
So I think the problem is that most of the hexagrams are based off of the Star of David rather than the other way around and that the Star of David has both a classical and a contemporary use.
For contemporary use, the distinction is that it is a Jewish symbol, used by Israel and Judaism as an element of self-identification. In this sense, its unlikely that its used for this purpose so I think it should be kept and implicated to Star of David.
NNescio said:
There are also various other symbols, like the Anahata, that are also hexagrams but are visibly distinct from the Star of David.
That sounds more like a good argument against a Anahata -> hexagram alias/implication.
How do you distinguish between a hexagram and star_of_david for images on danbooru? Most of them are magic_circles (the same applies to pentagram btw). Hakenkreuz and manji are both in swastika. cross is not only for the Christian cross symbol.
I can see star of david be restricted to pendants and clearly religious symbols. That would necessitate a christian_cross and manji (edit: something else, manji is just Japanese for swastika) tag.
In this sense, its unlikely that its used for this purpose so I think it should be kept and implicated to Star of David.
Huh? What should imply Star of David? Don't you mean "implicated to hexagram"?
I'm not exactly familiar with how the alias/implication system works, but it is my impression that aliases indicate a bivalent relationship. Or in other words, A <-> B.
Or at least this is what the help section tells me.
When a tag is aliased to another tag, that means that the two tags are equivalent. You would not generally alias rectangle to square, for example, because while all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. To model this sort of relationship, you would need to use implications.
Clearly, all Star of Davids are hexagrams, but not all hexagrams are Star of Davids. As such, an alias would be unsuitable.
The OP, however, proposed an implication(not an alias) of "star_of_david -> hexagram". This is correct.
Edit: Typo
NNescio said:
Clearly, all Star of Davids are hexagrams, but not all hexagrams are Star of Davids. As such, an alias would be unsuitable.The OP, however, proposed an implication(not an alias) of "star_of_david -> hexagram". This is correct.
Edit: Typo
Sort-of. Obviously a "hexagram -> star_of_david" alias would be a bad idea, but nobody's suggesting that.
A "star_of_david -> hexagram" alias, though, is reasonable if people don't feel that the distinction is worth preserving.
EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean. It would result in people who search on star_of_david getting anything with any hexagram in it, yes, which might be bad. In that respect it is bilateral.