
Colonel Squeakers

Posted under General

I see little need for something like this, since that mouse is pretty indistinguishable from other mice. I think it's pretty clear for the most part the mouse is riding in Nazrin's basket using nazrin + mouse + basket. Maybe if it was distinguishable from other mice there would be a use for it, but I don't think it's needed here.

Point us to some instances where the basket mouse is doing something significant apart from Nazrin. That was the metric we used when deciding to go ahead with tagging pyonta or not.

Also, I'd rather tag it basket mouse, as "Colonel Squeakers" just sounds silly. (Yes, "Pyonta" sounds silly too, but it was first used in a few funny comics, so it stuck.)

Heparine said:
Fan name? You back that up with what, exactly?

I'd seen the name used on Danbooru and on TV Tropes, so I assumed that it was widespread, but a Google search turns up only two relevant results, so I was obviously mistaken.

If independent action was the metric for tagging Pyonta, there's probably no need, and I apologize for posting unnecessarily. It just bothers me to leave any character untagged, even when he or she is not a character as such.

GrandAdmiralSean8 said:
If independent action was the metric for tagging Pyonta, there's probably no need, and I apologize for posting unnecessarily.

No apology necessary. Discussion of tags and tagging policy is one of the core reasons the Danbooru forum exists.

"The dumbest question is the one you failed to ask" is a saying that works well here, I think.