
Tag Suggestion: small_waist

Posted under General

Okay, at first I thought we could use a tag like this, but then I realised, when a post has the wide_hips tag, the character with the wide hips usaully has a small waist, but that's only if the character is really curvy, but on the other hand if the character is large all around, they really don't have a small waist. And also if a character has a overall small body, that would mean that they would naturally have a small waist.

I'm still not sure whether or not we should use it, so please reply and share your thoughts, reasons and/or seggestions on why we should or shouldn't use this tag.


Thanks for posting your opinion Roarchu, you made a good point.

I'm going to wait and hear what more users say and if a lot of people like it, I'll get around to making a little wiki article for the tag.


Yes yes, your right, jxh2154. Well, I say that the waist would definitley need to have a noticable amount of contrast with the bust's width and the hips' width, but as to how much contrast, I'm still not sure about.

Well, say we have a character (female, of course) with a average sized body (not too slim, but not too overweight) and her hips and chest are also at an average sized width, but her waist is noticably smaller, and makes the "middle of the hourglass" look narrower then an average woman.

How's that sound?

Well, I'll be damned! Good going there Roarchu, those are awesome examples!
Alright, with my explanation and Roarchu's examples, I hope whoever else is reading this has gotten a better uderstanding of the (hopefully) soon to come tag.

The breast size tags are defined by comparing boobs with the character's head. Maybe here the definition should be something like "waist no wider than 1/3 of the character's hips, and simultaneously noticeably narrower than the character's chest". Or something.

I see no reason not to tag a male character with "narrow_waist" in those rare cases when the image fulfills the set criteria.


I like the formula you thought of Katajanmarja, I tried to think of one, but it turn out too well. Anyway, unless some one else objects to this, I think that should be the best way of determining if a post should have a narrow_waist tag.

I also agree with you on the not just females idea, if a male character happens to have a particularly narrow waist, that post should get the tag, also.


Okay, I know I said I would make a wiki article for the tag, but I'm not sure how to right it in a way that's detailed, yet easily understandable, which sucks, because I really hoped that could help the site by making an article.

So, I actually was wondering if someone could maybe use their own words and write it.

I apologize for having to actually ask someone to do this for me.

Trickster, I believe the most efficient way to spread the use of the tag is to start adding it yourself, avoiding mistakes.

That way the tag will catch the attention of "gardeners", and those who feel it is important will begin to use it.

I just wanted to mention that I made a change to the wiki article.

I've seen that in the few posts I have tagged, when the character has a noticeably narrow waist, it's usually around 2/5 of the hips width.

Sorry to bump up an old post, I just wanted to run it by you guys.